Use a Bluetooth keyboard with VoiceOver on Apple TV
You can control VoiceOver with a connected Bluetooth® keyboard. See the list below for commands.
Use VoiceOver keyboard commands
Enter VoiceOver commands by pressing and holding the Control and Option keys together, then pressing one or more other keys. The Control-Option key combination is known as the VoiceOver key, VO for short.
Note: By default, VoiceOver keyboard commands function as if you are in exploration mode.
Type any of the following keyboard commands:
Turn on VoiceOver Help: VO-K
Turn off VoiceOver Help: Escape
Switch between exploration and navigation mode: VO-E
Turn VoiceOver and native focus syncing on or off in exploration mode: VO-Shift-F3
Select the next or previous item: VO-Right Arrow or VO-Left Arrow
Double-tap to activate the selected item: VO-Space bar
Press the TV button: VO-H
Touch and hold the selected item: VO-Shift-M
Move to the status bar: VO-M
Read from the current position: VO-A
Read from the top: VO-B
Pause or resume reading: Control
Copy the last spoken text to the clipboard: VO-Shift-C
Search for text: VO-F
Mute or unmute VoiceOver: VO-S
Open the notifications screen: Fn-VO-Up Arrow
Open Control Center: Fn-VO-Down Arrow
Open the Item Chooser: VO-I
Change the label of the selected item: VO-/
Double-tap with two fingers: VO-”-”
Swipe up or down: VO-Up Arrow or VO-Down Arrow
Adjust the rotor: VO-Command-Left Arrow or VO-Command-Right Arrow
Adjust the setting specified by the rotor: VO-Command-Up Arrow or VO-Command-Down Arrow
Turn the screen curtain on or off: VO-Shift-S
Return to the previous screen: Escape
Switch apps: Command-Tab or Command-Shift-Tab
Edit text using VoiceOver
Type the following commands to work with text (VoiceOver reads the text as you move the insertion point):
Go forward or back one character: Right Arrow or Left Arrow
Go forward or back one word: Option-Right Arrow or Option-Left Arrow
Go up or down one line: Up Arrow or Down Arrow
Go to the beginning or end of the line: Command-Left Arrow or Command-Down Arrow
Go to the beginning or end of the paragraph: Option-Up Arrow or Option-Down Arrow
Go to the previous or next paragraph: Option-Up Arrow or Option-Down Arrow
Go to the top or bottom of the text field: Command-Up Arrow or Command-Down Arrow
Select text as you move: Shift any of the insertion point movement commands above
Select all text: Command-A
Copy, cut, or paste the selected text: Command-C, Command-X, or Command-V
Undo or redo last change: Command-Z or Shift-Command-Z