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Kapuloan Pitcairn

Ti Wikipédia Sunda, énsiklopédi bébas
Pitkern Ailen
Pitcairn, Henderson,
Ducie and Oeno Islands
Bandéra Pitcairn Islands Coat of arms Pitcairn Islands
"Come ye Blessed"
"God Save the Queen"
Location of Pitcairn Islands
Location of Pitcairn Islands
Ibu kota
(jeung kota panggedéna)
Basa resmi basa Inggris (basa wewengkon: Pitkern)
Grup étnis  Britania, urang Polinésia, atawa (multirasial)
Pamaréntah Téritori Peuntas Laut Britania
 -  Daulat Elizabeth II
 -  Gubernur/
Komisionér Luhur
Victoria Treadell
 -  Mayor Mike Warren
 -  Total 47 km² 
18,1 mil² 
 -  Perkiraan  2011 60 (ka-238 (panungtungna))
 -  Kapadetan 13 /km² (ka-211)
34 /mil²
Mata uang Dolar Selanda Anyar (bareng jeung Dolar Kapuloan Pitcairn) (NZD)
Zona wanci UTC−08
TLD Internét .pn
Kode telepon none

Kapuloan Pitcairn (basa Pitkern: Pitkern Ailen), resmina Kapuloan Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie, jeung Oeno, ngawangun hiji grup nu ngawengku pulo-pulo vulkanis di Samudra Pasifik kidul. Pulo-pulona mangrupa Téritori Peuntas Laut Britania jeung téritori peuntas laut ti Uni Éropa di Pasifik.[1] Opat pulo – nu boga ngaran Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie, jeung Oeno – kasebar dina sababaraha mil pasagi samudra.

Tempo ogé

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  1. "‪Pitcairn Islands: UK's most remote territory‬‏". YouTube. Diakses tanggal 31 July 2011.  Archived 17 Maret 2011 di Wayback Machine

Bacaan salajengna

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The Mutiny on the Bounty

  • The Bounty: The True Story of the Mutiny on the Bounty by Caroline Alexander (Harper Perennial, London, 2003 pp. 491)
  • The Discovery of Fletcher Christian: a Travel Book by Glynn Christian, a descendant of Fletcher Christian, Bounty Mutineer (Guild Press, London, 2005 pp. 448)

After the Mutiny

  • The Pitcairners by Robert B. Nicolson (Pasifika Press, Auckland, 1997 pp. 260)
  • After the Bounty: The aftermath of the infamous Mutiny on the HMS Bounty-an insight to the plight of the mutineers by Cal Adams, a descendant of John Adams, Bounty Mutineer (Self-published, Sydney, 2008 pp. 184)

Pitcairn Island Today

  • The Guide to Pitcairn produced by Pitcairn Island Government (Pitcairn Island Administration, Auckland, 1999 pp. 68)
  • Pitkern Ilan=Pitcairn Island by David H. Evans (Self-published, Auckland, 2007 pp. 46)
  • "Lost Paradise From Mutiny of the bounty to a Modern-Day Legacy of Sexual mayhem the Dark Secrets of Pitcairn island Revealed", (Free Press, 2009).

Tumbu kaluar

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   Tempo ogé Kapuloan Pitcairn di Wikivoyage

Pamaréntah Kapuloan

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Koordinat: 25°04′S 130°06′W / 25.067°S 130.100°W / -25.067; -130.100