Incorporate your start-up

Start your company in a few clicks and get ready to open a bank account, charge customers, fundraise, and hire a team.

Why Atlas

Fast, trusted, automated

Join 60,000 start-ups that have used Stripe Atlas to incorporate in Delaware, get their company tax ID (EIN), issue founder equity, and file their 83(b) election.

File your incorporation paperwork in minutes

Tell Atlas about your company and co-founders in a simple, guided workflow, then generate and sign legal documents in a few minutes. Atlas submits incorporation paperwork to Delaware on your behalf.

Your start-up checklist, automated

With a few clicks, use Atlas to incorporate, get your EIN, issue equity, and file your 83(b) tax election: no phone calls, faxes, or trips to the post office needed.

Trusted by experts and loved by founders

Atlas provides you with legal documents trusted by law firms, tax attorneys, and venture capital investors. Founders from over 140 countries have started their business using Stripe Atlas.

Everything you need to start your company

Accept payments without writing a single line of code. Atlas start-ups get one year of free US card payments processing on Stripe (up to $100k), plus over $50k in discounts towards tools like Mercury, Carta, and AWS.

Getting started with Atlas

How it works

Fill out your company details in minutes. Atlas will generate and file your incorporation paperwork, get your company tax ID (EIN), set up your registered agent, issue equity, and file your 83(b) election.


Tell Atlas about your company and co-founders, then sign documents.


Delaware incorporates your company. Atlas gets your EIN, issues equity, and files your 83(b) election.


Atlas guides you through a post-incorporation checklist.


Start running your business with over $50k in discounts on your start-up stack.
Atlas tracker image


Incorporate for $500 and get over $50,000 in discounts


  • Company incorporation in Delaware, including next-day expedited processing and state filing fees
  • Company tax ID (EIN)
  • Founder equity issuance and share purchase
  • 83(b) election filing
  • Document templates to help you sell, hire, and run your business

one-time setup fee (includes government fees and your first year of registered agent services)

Use Atlas to maintain your registered agent, which Delaware requires to run your business. You can cancel anytime.


annually after your first year (renews automatically)

Join us at Sessions

Early-bird passes now available

Registration is open for Stripe Sessions, the global internet economy conference. Join us to make new connections, learn about trends and technology, and hear from some of the biggest names in business.

Ready to start?

Create a new Stripe account today and get started in minutes.

Stripe Atlas is a technology service providing legal information and access to self-service tools. We are not a law firm and do not provide legal, tax, or accounting advice. If you have unique considerations or are contributing highly valuable intellectual property to your company, please talk with a lawyer in your jurisdiction before proceeding.