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Hello![edit | edit source]

Hello there! I joined here because I like the layout of the site, and I like the variety of games this place has. I don't know how much time I'll have to contribute, but here I am anyway :)

Significant contributions
Portal - helped it get featured
Braid - in progress
Tetris Attack - lots more to do
Zork II: The Wizard of Frobozz - lots more to do
Zany Golf - lots more to do
more coming soon...

Games I'm hoping to add info to soon
you know, it's been a while... we'll see if I get back into it

Games I have[edit | edit source]

Very out of date, I also have a Switch now...

KEY: 2: 2 copies; B: box; M: manual; # before letter: # of item if different than # of games
Air-Sea Battle (B,2M)
Alpha Beam with Ernie (B,M,kid's controller)
Artillery Duel (M)
Asteroids (B,M)
Battlezone (M)
Berzerk (2,1B,M)
Big Bird's Egg Catch (B,M,kid's controller)
Bowling (B,M)
Bugs (B,M)
Bump 'n' Jump (M)
Centipede (M)
Chopper Command
Combat (2,B,M)
Cookie Monster Munch (B,M,kid's controller)
Cosmic Ark (B)
Crypts of Chaos (B,M)
Demon Attack (2,B,M)
E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (2,1B,M,1tips booklet)
Fishing Derby (B,M)
Freeway (M)
Frogs and Flies (B,M)
Gorf (B,M)
Grand Prix
Kaboom! (B,M)
Laser Blast (M)
Mega Force (M)
Missile Command (B,M)
Ms. Pac-Man (M)
Pac-Man (2,B,M)
Pitfall! (B,M)
RealSports Baseball (B,M)
Revenge of the Beefsteak Tomatoes (B)
Space Invaders (B,M)
Space War (B,M)
Stampede (B,M)
Star Raiders (B,M,video touch pad)
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back (M)
Starmaster (B,2M(they seem to contain approximately the same info, but in a different order...))
Surround (M)
Target Fun
Video Olympics (B,M)
Video Pinball
Warplock (B,M)
in reality I don't have much access to this wii
Excite Truck
Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (but no wii-compatible guitars, which totally defeats the purpose...)
Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Wii Sports