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Trap Door Room
  • Ki and Gil will enter this room through the first of the eight doors at the centre of it - and it contains no enemies at all, (unless Will O' Wisps appear).
  • This room, like the left half of Empty Cistern, wraps around vertically - and if you proceed in either direction, you will end up back where you started.
  • The key at the left of the room opens the eighth door at the centre of the room, and the third key at centre-left of the room opens the aforementioned first door at the centre of the room. The first and second keys at the centre-left, bottom and bottom-right of the room do not open the other six doors.
  • The eighth door at the centre of the room leads to Alchemist's Room (Room Pass: 9V7), and the aforementioned first door at the centre of the room leads back to Goblin's Lair (Room Pass: DC2). You should remember the first of these Room Passes, especially as that room contains a bad item...