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The following cheats are for Windows, PlayStation, Sega Saturn, and 3DO versions of the game.

Windows Cheats[edit | edit source]

Type these cheats as your name in upper case. In order for them to work, you must first install the cheat enabler.

  • EAC POWR - Drive the Warrior PTO E/2
  • EAC RALY - Race with rally conditions and turns Rusty Springs into a Egyptian dirt track.
  • EAC WARP - Increase the game speed for arcade style racing.
  • EAC 4X4R - Replaces all 4X4s and trucks with cars.
  • EAC QAQA - Better stability and landings after crashes.
  • EAC TIME - Speeds up the clock speed.
  • EAC SLOW - Slows down the clock speed.
  • EAC GIMX - Changes advertising graphics in the race.
  • EAC SCAR - Unrecoverable car (don"t crash with this!).

Special Edition Cheats[edit | edit source]

No Mercy Mode[edit | edit source]

To drive in No Mercy Mode, select Head to Head mode while choosing your race type and leave it selected (don"t start the race). Hold the End key and a new mode called No Mercy Mode will appear.

Sky View[edit | edit source]

Start a race and press Left, Shift, and Control to activate the Sky Camera. You can now pressShift, Control, and 2 to view your opponent. Note: In Single race mode, you can choose between 1-8 different views.

PlayStation Cheats[edit | edit source]

Enter the following codes as your password at the tournament password screen.

  • Track 01 - WRDRTY
  • Track 02 - ZDPBWN
  • Track 03 - MTQRZP
  • Track 04 - JVPZLL
  • Track 05 - ZYMNLH
  • Track 06 - WMRPGZ
  • Track 07 - YXGSJJ
  • Track 08 - KJPQND
  • Track 09 - SDQWCG
  • Track 10 - SLZXDH
  • Track 11 - SPZDFX
  • Track 12 - ZVGRGX
  • Track 14 - XJHVCK

Lost Vegas Track[edit | edit source]

Enter TSYBNS as your password at the tournament password screen. Now go back to the Head to Head mode and cycle through the tracks and the Lost Vegas track will be selectable.

Oasis Springs Track[edit | edit source]

Enter TSYBNS as your password at the Tournament password screen. In Head to Head mode, go to the Rusty Springs track and hold down the L1 button and L2 button buttons. While holding these buttons press Start button to play.

Lunar Springs Track[edit | edit source]

Enter SPKSFC as your password at the Tournament password screen. Go back and choose another mode and highlight Rusty Springs on the track selection screen. Press and hold Triangle button, then add L1 button and R1 button and select Rusty Springs with Cross button.

Rally Mode[edit | edit source]

Enter TSYBNS as your password at the tournament password screen. Then go to Head to Head mode to any track. Now hold L1 button and R1 button and see the title change to Rally mode. Now press Start button to enter a muddy course.

Warrior PTO E/2[edit | edit source]

Enter TSYBNS as your password at the Tournament password screen. Then go to Head to Head mode and go to the car selection screen and hold down L1 button and R1 button. Note: This car is not available in Competition Mode.

No Mercy Mode[edit | edit source]

Enter TSYBNS as your password at the Tournament password screen. Then go to Head to Head mode screen and hold down L1 button and R1 button. This option will turn off the catch-up mode.

Machine Gun[edit | edit source]

Choose Head to Head mode and immediately after selecting your opponent"s car, press and hold L1 button, Circle button, Square button and UpLeft dpad until loading is complete. Now instead of having a horn, you will have an invisible machine gun that clears the way of any cars.

Extra Weight[edit | edit source]

Enter TSYBNS as your password at the Tournament password screen. You can either enter or exit the tournament. At the car selection screen, enter Showcase, then Mechanical and then Next Slide. You can now add weight to the car that you are viewing, shown by red triangles. Press L1 button to add weight to the front of the car and press R1 button to add weight to the rear.

All Tracks and Warrior PTO E/2[edit | edit source]

Enter MQKCZL as your password at the Tournament password screen.

Arcade Mode[edit | edit source]

Enter TSYBNS as your password at the Tournament password screen. Then at the lap selection/segment view menu, hold L1 button and R1 button. Arcade mode will now be an option.

Sega Saturn Cheats[edit | edit source]

Warrior PTO E/2[edit | edit source]

Enter TSYBNS as your password at the Tournament password screen, then exit Tournament mode. Then when selecting a car, press and hold L and R.

Lost Vegas Track[edit | edit source]

Enter TSYBNS as your password at the Tournament password screen. The Lost Vegas track will then appear at the track selection screen.

Desert Springs Track[edit | edit source]

Enter TSYBNS as your password at the Tournament password screen. Then press and hold L and R when highlighting the Rust Springs track.

No Mercy Mode[edit | edit source]

Select a two player game and press L and R at the menu with the Head to Head selection.

Rally Mode[edit | edit source]

Enter TSYBNS as your password at the Tournament password screen. Press and hold L and R when selecting any track except for Rusty Springs. A layer of dirt will appear on the highlighted track.

3DO Cheats[edit | edit source]

3 New Views[edit | edit source]

To change the views, you must have a second controller. When using the "in-car" viewpoint, on controller two press L, Shift, A, and Up simutaneously. This will toggle you between three new views: The speedometer and rearview mirror, just the speedometer, or nothing at all.

Need for Speed Staff[edit | edit source]

To view the Need for Speed staff, wait for a minute or two after a race until the credits start to roll. Then press the R and L shift buttons to toggle between the regular picture and the Need for Speed staff picture.

Zoom In On The Map[edit | edit source]

View the action up close by pressing Start. If you need to get an even closer view, press the C button to zoom in.

Blow Up The Traffic[edit | edit source]

Choose any car and any track then start a race against the computer. When the loading screen appears, press and hold buttons L, R, and Left. At the starting line, quit the race and start the game again. This time at the loading screen press and hold L, R, and Left. At the starting line, quit the race and start the game again. At the loading screen press and hold L, R, and Right. At the starting line, quit the race and start again. Finally, at the loading screen press and hold L, R, and Down. This time, just release the buttons and start racing. Whenever traffic is in front of you, press the X button and the cars will flip in the air as if they"ve been in a collision.

Practise Mode[edit | edit source]

In control central, go to the options menu and highlight "Skill Level". Then press and hold X, R, L, A (or X, R, A, L) in quick succession, continuing to hold each one (so at the end all four are held down). If you are successful, the Skill Level indicator will turn from yellow to pink. Now play the game with no traffic or cops. Note: No records will be saved in this mode.

Race Against Scooter[edit | edit source]

In order for this to work, you must have two controllers. Play the game for at least 10 seconds. Go into instant replay and rewind to the very beginning of the replay buffer. Press R, Down, and B simutaneously on controller two. Now quit the race. You will then race against a scooter.

Performance Boost[edit | edit source]

In order for this to work, you must have three controllers. Start a game and immediately press L, R, and Up on controller two and then press L, R, A, and C on controller three. "Car Crashed" will flash. Then exit the race. From now on when you race, your car"s engine horsepower and torque will increase by 20% for the faster cars and by 30% for the slower cars.

Hear Car Horns[edit | edit source]

At the Main Menu screen, highlight the car selection box and choose a car. Now press the X button. This will sound the car"s horn. Press the top L or R buttons to change the car and hear different horns.

Black Ice[edit | edit source]

You will need two controllers for this to work. Play the game for at least 10 seconds, then go to the instant replay, and rewind. Press B on controller one and press X, P, and C on controller two. You will see "Car Crashed...Cars Left 4" flash for a second. Exit the game and race on the Alpine track against the clock. The third leg will be covered in ice.

View All Videos[edit | edit source]

Go to options and highlight "Opponent Video On", then press X, R, L, and A (or press X, RS, LS, and A in rapid succession, holding each button down before pressing the next button). It should boot up and show you all the videos.

Choose What Gauges Can Show[edit | edit source]

In order for this to work, you must have two controllers (Flightstick users will need to have two regular pads plugged in). Start the game and be sure it is on "In Car" view. On the second controller, press and hold L, Up, and A. You can then cycle through tachometer, tachometer and mirror, or nothing displayed at the bottom.

Over Drivin" Cheats[edit | edit source]

Over Drivin": Skyline Memorial Cheats[edit | edit source]

  • Type PPPPPP at the Tournament password screen - Unlocks Nissan R390 GT1 in all modes except for Tournament Mode.