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To perform a special attack, press the "jump" and "attack" buttons simultaneously. This attack can kill Foot Soldiers in one hit and cause major damage to other enemies, including bosses. Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Donatello all jump in the air and hit the enemy with their weapon, while Raphael rolls along the ground and finishes with a kick, possibly due to his small range.

The throw attack is automatic. The Turtles can only throw Foot Soldiers by extending their weapons and tossing them overhead killing the soldiers instantly. Donatello can throw a Foot Soldier easily because his bo staff extends for long distances. Michelangelo takes the most time because his nunchaku are very small.

Home console controls[edit | edit source]

Atari ST NES Use
Neutral dpad Move.
A button Jump.
B button Attack.
A button B button Special attack.
Start button Pause.