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To Start: Go to the Legends Guild, located northeast of Ardougne.

Requirements: The following Quests must be Complete:

First leg of the quest[edit | edit source]

Items needed: It is suggested you bring doubles of these Items in case you die and need to go back to the General Store in Ardougne.

  • Charcoal (Around 5-10, Bought at the General Store in Tai Bwo Wannai)
  • Papyrus (Around 5-8, Bought at the General Store in Ardougne)
  • Cut Sapphire, Emerald, Ruby, Diamond, Red Topaz, Opal and Jade
  • 2-3 Lockpicks
  • 2-5 Gold bars
  • Pickaxe
  • Hatchet (Highly recommended)
  • Machete (if you have access to the Tai Bwo Wannai cleanup, try to get a topaz machete, it helps a little)
  • Silverlight (Strongly recommended)
  • Prayer Restore Potions (Not needed if your Prayer is high enough)
  • Armor and Weapons
  • Hammer
  • Soul Rune, Mind Rune, Earth Rune and Two Law Runes
  • Food

Skills needed:

  • Able to defeat a High-Level Demon (around the 150s)
  • 50 Agility (Not needed, but recommended)
  • 50 Crafting
  • 45 Herblore
  • 56 Magic
  • 52 Mining
  • 42 Prayer (Charge Prayer at the Prayer Guild (Monastery) to get the Two Extra Prayer Points) (43-45 HIGHLY recommended)
  • 50 Smithing
  • 50 Strength
  • 50 Thieving
  • 50 Woodcutting

Speak to Sir Radimus Erkle in his Building inside the Legends Guild. He will hand you an Uncompleted Map. Search the Cupboard inside his Building to get a Machete. Drop it and get a second if you are afraid of dying and must return to fetch Items. Now, get the required Items and take the Boat, teleport using your Amulet of Glory, or even better, take the Glider to Karamja.

Make your way to Shilo Village and grab your Machete, Hatchet, Map, Charcoal, Papyrus and Food. Leave Shilo Village and head south. You will encounter some large Hills blocking your way. Head west until you see some Trees instead of the Hills guarded by a Jungle Forester. Ignore him, and start chopping Trees and Plants, with your Machete making your way into the large Jungle. Now to put your 50 Crafting to the test. Once your inside, start Mapping by selecting “Map” on your Radimus Scrolls. Head to the eastern Part of the Jungle, western and then Central doing this. You might miss and loose some Papyrus and Charcoal while attempting this. Your Map should now be complete. head back out of the Jungle using your Hatchet and Machete and speak to the Jungle Forester. Then use your Completed Map with the Forester. He will copy the Map and give you a Bull Roarer in return. Chop your way back into the Jungle and swing around the Bull Roarer. Gujuo will come out of nowhere and speak with you. But beware, the Bull Roarer might attract Wolves and Savages too. Speak to Gujuo and talk to him about a Token of Friendship between his Tribe and the Human Population. He will ask for a favor in return. He will explain that their Sage has been possessed by an evil Demon and that they need your help freeing him. He will explain that you will need a Golden Bowl with Pure Holy Water to reach him, and he gives you the plans for the Bowl.

Now, head back for the Shilo Village Bank. Deposit everything and withdraw your Gold Bars, Bowl Sketch that Gujuo gave you and a Hammer. Now to put your 50 Smithing to the test. Make your way to Tai Bwo Wannai and use the Anvil there. Be careful, for you can miss and loose some Gold Bars while trying to make the Bowl. If you have enough remaining Bars, make a second Bowl. It might come in handy. Zoom back to Shilo Village and grab some Armor and Weapon, the S.M.E.L. (Soul, Mind, Earth, two Laws) combination of Runes, Food, the two Lockpicks, Machete, Hatchet, your Pickaxe and your seven Gems, again head west. Keep close to the Hills separating the Karamja and Southern Jungle. You should soon come up to three Rocks in a Triangular Form. Search the northern one and crawl down into the Caverns. You might get stuck and lose a bit of health though. Once down there, ignore the large Fire Octagon and search every Bookcase. You should find one with a Gap behind it. Crawl through, and you should now be in a smaller Cavern.

Continue until you discover a large Gate. You need your 50 Thieving here. Carefully Picklock the Gate with your Lockpick and make your way through. Now for your 52 Mining. Smash the three Boulders blocking your way and you should now be faced with another Gate. This is where your 50 Strength is used. Shove the Gates open using your mighty Strength. You are now in a Cave with a ton of Death Wings flying around. Run through them, and continue down the large Cavern. A small Ruined Wall will block your Path further on. Jump over it. You are now in a dead end. No, you’re not. Head towards the Ancient Wall and use your S.M.E.L. Runes with it. The Wall is now Unlocked. Go through and you’re now in a large Cavern with seven Pools. This is where your seven Gems are needed. Use every Gem with every Pool until all the Gems are in place. A Book of Binding will appear in the middle of the Room. TAKE THIS BOOK! Now, make your way back, out of the Cavern, and back into the Karamja southern Jungle.

Now, go to the Bank, and grab some more Food, a Prayer Potion or two, Silverlight, your Golden Bowl, Map, Machete, Hatchet, Bull Roarer, Book of Binding, Armor, and your trusty Weapon. Get back into the southern Jungle and swing your Bull Roarer again. Speak to Gujuo and tell him you have the Bowl. Your 40-42 Prayer is needed here. Gujuo will lead you into a deep Meditation to enchant your Bowl. If you fail, drink a Prayer and Restoration Potion, or head back to the Monastery if you’re 40 Prayer, and try again. When you have successfully enchanted it, search for the Water Spring. It’s southeast of the Triangular Rocks you visited earlier. Use your Machete with one of the Tall Reeds surrounding it and use it with the Spring. You now have Water in your Bowl.


If you like to have things the easy way, go get some Empty Vials. Read through your Book of Binding until you reach the part about Enchanting Vials. Click on the “Enchantious” thing and your Vials should now be enchanted. But it takes two Prayer and Magic Experience Points for every Vial you enchant. Now use your Bowl of Sacred Water with it to fill it up. If you have several, go get more Water from the Spring. These Holy Water Vials are very effective against the Demon.

Go back down into the Caves with the Fire Octagon. Use your Bowl of Water with the Firewall, and you will go through it. Now comes the Demon fighting. Equip your Silverlight or Holy Water Vials (While both of these have been found useful, if you have something in the league of a dragon battle axe or scimitar, use that it'll probably do more damage than Holy Water).Use your Book of Binding with Unglagudu. He will suddenly transform into a Giant Black Demon! Quickly stab it with your Silverlight, or throw your Holy Water Vials at it. Now, unless you’re a very powerful Warrior, (Level 100 ) TURN ON PROTECT FROM MELEE!!! The fight is quite easy, because you can drink Prayer and Restoration Potions and eat Food during Combat. Defeat the Demon and speak to Unglagudu. Talk to him about every single thing possible. He should give you some Yommi Seeds and a Spell to Protect you from the Flames, so you can leave and enter he Fire Octagon at will.

Congratulations! You have just completed the first leg of the Quest!

Second leg of the quest[edit | edit source]

Items Needed: It is suggested you bring doubles of these Items in case you die and need to quickly go back and get them.

  • 2-3 Lockpicks
  • Pickaxe
  • Machete (if you have access to the Tai Bwo Wannai cleanup, try to get a topaz machete, it helps a little)
  • Southern Jungle Map
  • Hatchet (Highly recommended)
  • Silverlight (Strongly recommended)
  • Prayer Restore Potions
  • Armor and Weapons
  • Food (Sharks HIGHLY recommended!!!)
  • Bull Roarer
  • Orb
  • 30 Elemental Runes
  • 3 Cosmic Runes
  • Rope
  • Water filled Vial

Skills Needed:

  • Able to defeat a high Level Demon (around the 150s)
  • 52 Mining
  • 50 Agility (This is a MINIMUM! Higher is better!)
  • 50 Strength
  • 50 Thieving
  • At least 43 Prayer recommended
  • Magic Level high enough to enchant Orbs
  • 45 Herblore

Get all of the Items mentioned above and head back to the Jungle. Go to the Spring and investigate the Water. It will be all Muddy. Swing your Bull Roarer around and speak to Gujuo about this. He will say that the Spring has been corrupted and that you can only get more Underground where the source of the Spring is located. You will need a Potion of Courage, Snake Weed and Ardigal Herbs to make it. Snake Weed can be found southwest of Tai Bwo Wannai by searching the Vines near the Waters. Ardigal is found in one of the Palm Trees near the Ship Dock northeast of Tai Bwo Wannai. Mix these two Herbs together to make the Potion. You will need 45 Herblore to do this. Head back down into the Caves via the Triangular Rocks.

Walk through the Firewall and speak to Unglagudu about this matter. Now, go back through the Passageway behind the Bookcase as before and go through the Gate, the Boulders, the Hard Metal Gate, the Low Wall and the Ancient Wall. You are now back inside the Cave with the seven Pools. There’s a Dark Gate on the Wall to the right of where you entered. Use your Enchant Orb Spell on the Gate to open it. You are now in a Room with Barrels scattered everywhere and a Winch in the middle. If you like, you may smash the Barrels. Inside are various Items, including Throwing Knives, Food, useless Tickets for stuff, Monsters and sometimes the Barrel may explode. Now drink your Potion of Courage and use your Rope with the Winch. Forgot your Rope? Don’t worry, it can be obtained inside of one of the Barrels in the Room. Slowly lower yourself down into the Darkness. You are now on the top of a massive, thin Hill. Do NOT touch the Wizard Hat, (We will come back to this Hat when you are ready to deal with what lies underneath!). Your Agility will be tested here. Jump over the Rock blocking your Path, if you fall you’re going to get massive damage. I was lucky and managed to hang on, but my Agility Level suffered a bit. Keep going down through the Obstacles until you reach, or fall, to the Bottom. Now, get your Prayer ready. You will now have to defeat three Warriors. Their Levels are in the 100s, so be careful. The three Warriors are San Tojalon, Irvig Senay and Ranalph Devere. Use Protect from Melee and quickly take them out. The first Warrior, San Tojalon, is right in front of you when you reach the Bottom of the Agility part. The second is further on, and the 3rd is at the end of the Cavern. Every time you defeat one, it will drop a part of a Crystal. If you haven't noticed already, look at the Mini-Map. The Cavern you are in looks like a Dragon’s Head. Once you have all three Crystal parts, go to where the Dragon’s Horns should be and you will find a Lava Furnace. Use your three Crystals with the Furnace to merge them together. You now have a Heart-Shaped Crystal.

Head toward the Dragon’s Eye, search the Rock there, use your Crystal with it to start it glowing. Return to where Ranalph Devere was and locate a Cave Entrance. It is protected by a Magic Barrier. Use your Heart-Shaped Crystal with the Heart-Shaped Slot beside the Cave Entrance. The Barrier will disappear, and you can go through. In this new Cave, there are Lesser Demons, run through them to the right. You are now in a large Spring which is the Source of the Sacred Water. Try pushing on of the Boulders at the Base of the Water Streams and a Spirit will appear. He will ask you to go kill the Mage protecting this Realm and in return he will let you use the Water Springs. Accept, and get the Dagger from him. WARNING! DO NOT GO KILL THE MAGE! (If you must, go back to the top of the Agility Cliff and try to pick up that Magic Hat. Vyledi will appear, stab him with the Dagger given to you. By doing this makes the Third Leg of the Quest harder.) So instead, get back out of the dreaded Catacombs and go see Unglagudu. Give him the Dagger and in return you get the Holy Force Spell. This will be very useful against the second Demon. While you’re out of the Catacombs, this is a good chance to Bank, top off your Prayer and get more Food. Go back into the Catacombs, past everything, and back to the Water Springs. Push the Boulder again and the Spirit will reappear. Quickly use your Holy Force Spell on it, and it will transform into the Black Demon you defeated earlier! Stab him with your Silverlight to weaken him. Turn on Protect from Melee and take him out. If you run out of Prayer, quickly gulp down a Prayer Potion. When he’s defeated, push the Boulder out of the way. A Clean Spring is revealed. Fill your Golden Bowl if you have it. If not, you can use the Spring up at the Surface.

Congratulations, you just completed the Second Leg!

Third leg of the quest[edit | edit source]

Items Needed: I Suggest you bring doubles of these Items in case you die and need to go back and get them quickly.

  • Machete
  • Southern Jungle Map
  • Hatchet Better than Black (Mithril, Adamantite, Rune)
  • Silverlight (Strongly recommended)
  • Prayer Potions
  • Armor and Weapons
  • Food
  • Bull Roarer
  • Yommi Seeds that you got earlier

Skills Needed:

  • Able to defeat a High-Level Demon (around the 150s)
  • 50 Woodcutting
  • At least 43 Prayer recommended
  • 45 Herblore

Head back to the Surface. If you haven’t yet, fill your Bowl with Water and use the Holy Water with your Yommi Seeds. They will now be Germinated. Look for a Patch of Fertile Ground near the Spring. Use your Yommi Seeds with the Patch of Earth. You may miss and kill the Plant, but you may get more Seeds from Unglagudu. Once you have Planted the Seeds, quickly Water it with your Holy Water. Once it has grown, cut it down with your Hatchet. Then cut off all the Branches, and craft it into a Totem Pole. Now head west, where a Black Totem Pole is located. Use your good Pole with it. The Black Demon will yet again appear. Quickly defeat him using Protect from Melee. Once he’s defeated, replace the Black Totem Pole with your Red One. Now swing your Bull Roarer and Gujuo will Congratulate you. He will give you a Gifted Totem Pole. Return to the Legends Guild and give your Pole and Completed Map to Sir Radimus Erkle. He will Congratulate you and let you Enter the Main Hall. Speak to the Sir Radimus Erkle in there and he will Award you with Experience in four Stats of your choice.

Congratulations, you have completed the Legends Quest!

Extra notes[edit | edit source]

In the Guild new items will be available for purchase.

  • Maze Key 1gp
  • Dusty Keys 1gp
  • Silverlights 75gp each
  • Right Half of the Dragon Shield 750,000gp
  • White Capes 700gp
  • Mithril Seeds 300gp

There’s also a Bank, and in the Basement, Shadow Warriors.