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After character creation you end on Trainee Island

If your character's race is "Gaia" you enter Trainee Island near Guide Canopus.
If your character's race is "..." you enter Trainee Island near Guide ....
If your character's race is "..." you enter Trainee Island near Guide ....

Speak with Your Races Guide[edit | edit source]

Tip: To find a NPC (like your Guide) look on the mini map, a NPC is an orange dot on the mini map.
Tip: To change the camera angles drag the mouse while holding the right button.
Tip: To zoom use the mouse wheel.
Tip: To walk left click in the world.
Tip: To speak with someone double left click on the person.

Result: A dialog box opens.

Start Quest "(Your Race Here)'s Warm-Up Hunting"[edit | edit source]

Tip: To show the list of open quests press alt-Q. Press alt-Q again to close the list.
Tip: If you want to recall the quest window right click on a quest.

Result: The quest appears in your list of open quests.

Make sure you have a weapon equipped[edit | edit source]

Tip: an item is equipped if it has an 'E' over it in the inventory.
Tip: to open the inventory press alt-I. Press alt-I again to close it.
Tip: equip an item by double left clicking on the item in the inventory. Unequip the item by double left clicking it again.

Result: In the main window you see your character wearing a weapon.

Kill the 1st Monster[edit | edit source]

Tip: ??

Result: Your character gained a level and is now level 2. Result: Under the quest in the list of open quests it says "Little rooster 1/3".

Collect what the monster dropped[edit | edit source]

Tip: to collect items press 2
Tip: to trade with another player left click them then right click on their portrait and click trade

Spend JP: buy "Job level 2" for 3 JP[edit | edit source]

Tip: ??

Kill the 2nd Monster[edit | edit source]

Tip: ??

Result: Your character gained a level and is now level 3. Result: Under the quest in the list of open quests it says "Little rooster 2/3".

Collect what the monster dropped[edit | edit source]

Tip: ??

Spend JP: buy "Body Training Lv1" for 4 JP[edit | edit source]

Tip: ??

Spend JP: buy "Job level 3" for 5 JP[edit | edit source]

Kill the 3rd Monster[edit | edit source]

Tip: ??

Result: Under the quest in the list of open quests it says "Little rooster 3/3".

Collect what the monster dropped[edit | edit source]

Tip: ??

Spend JP: buy "Smite Lv1" for 3 JP[edit | edit source]

Tip: ??

Place the skill "Smite" under the F3 button[edit | edit source]

Tip: how to do this??
Tip: To kill the next monsters easier select the monster then press F3.

Speak with your Guide[edit | edit source]

Result: A dialog box opens.

Finish Quest "(Your Race Here)'s Warm-Up Hunting"[edit | edit source]

Result: The quest disappears from your list of open quests.

Start Quest "Let's learn basic skills"[edit | edit source]

Result: The quest appears in your list of open quests.

Speak with Guide Canopus[edit | edit source]

Finish Quest "Let's learn basic skills"[edit | edit source]

Result: The quest disappears from your list of open quests.

Start Quest "Item From Gaia's Hunting"[edit | edit source]

Result: The quest appears in your list of open quests.