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There are a lot quests in Rappelz so they're grouped per area. You'll start at Training Island and from there you can teleport to the main land. Depending on the race of your character you'll start on the main land in one the other areas below. On the main land you can teleport from city to city.

Meaning of the quest information[edit | edit source]

Listed per quest:

  • how to start it,
  • the preconditions,
  • the monsters to kill,
    • These monsters you'll have to kill during the quest. In other words it's not good enough if you've killed those monsters before you started the quest.
  • the items to collect,
    • These items you'll lose when you complete the quest.
  • the reward and
  • notes.

Quest window[edit | edit source]

The quest window that opens when you press  Alt   Q  and closes if you press  Alt   Q  again shows all open quests. The quests titles can be:

  • White for easy quests
  • Green for intermediate quests
  • Orange for hard quests

To see the details of a quest right-click on it.