Namco's Japan-only 1987 arcade game Quester (which represents their responding to Taito Corporation's Arkanoid and Revenge of Doh) is divided into thirty-three rounds (which is the same amount as the original game, but one less than the sequel); the first thirty-two rounds are comprised of a variety of layouts of blocks, but the thirty-third, and final, round is a confrontation between Paddle and the game's final boss, "Breeder" (who takes on the role of "Doh" from the two Arkanoid games, but is not an enormous Moai, and does not attack by spitting lethal mirrors at you). Paddle will receive an extra life at four predetermined point values in the game (which are 100000, 250000, 400000 and 800000 by default) and when it collects the Rally-X Special Flag that certain blocks leave behind when destroyed - and if the arcade operator has set that "CONTINUE" setting in the game's options menu to "ON", your score will be reset back to 0 if he has set the "SCORE" setting to "NO BACKUP". However, if he has set it to "INITIALIZE", it will be reset back to preset point value (which depends on what round you had lost your last life upon); and if he has set it to "BACKUP", it will not be reset at all.
The seventh, fourteenth, twenty-first and twenty-eighth rounds of the game are also "bonus rounds"; these are indicated by a special jingle being heard from the Yamaha YM-2151 and the letters "BONUS ROUND" zooming into view upon the screen before they start. When Paddle reappears at the bottom of the screen, at the start of these bonus rounds (with not just one, but ten balls on it), you will also notice that the background behind it is different to those of the regular rounds as the speech sample "Ready? Go!" is heard from the DAC (and the words appear on the screen to accompany it) - and you will then have fifteen seconds to clear the formation before all ten balls go out of play. If you manage to do so, you will receive 100 bonus points for every block that was in that formation, along with a "Perfect Bonus" of 10000 points, as the screen fades out to black before the game's next regular round (8, 15, 22 or 29) starts.
Round 1[edit | edit source]
- This formation is comprised of 1 Speed Up Block, 1 Speed Down Block, 6 Red Blocks, 12 Purple Blocks, 10 Yellow Blocks, 21 Blue Blocks and 2 Green Blocks. It is also made to look like a flyingsaucer-like spaceship.
- The second Red Block in the second row will leave a "3" Guro Riaru behind when destroyed but the second Yellow Block and the fifth Blue Block in the fifth row will both leave a "4" Guro Riaru behind when destroyed, and the fifth Purple Block in the seventh row will leave a "2" Guro Riaru behind when destroyed (total of 13).
- The amount of points you'll gain from clearing this formation is 6560; and if it took you less than two minutes to clear this round, you will receive 100 bonus points for every second you did not use (maximum of 12000).
Round 2[edit | edit source]
- This formation is comprised of 1 Speed Up Block, 11 Yellow Blocks, 32 Durable Blocks, 11 Blue Blocks and 11 Green Blocks. The Durable Blocks are a different shade of red to Red Blocks, but fade to white when hit.
- The second Yellow Block in the first row will leave a "4" Guro Riaru behind when destroyed but the eleventh Yellow Block in the first row, the fifth Blue Block in that third row, and the fourth Green Block in that fifth row will all leave a "2" Guro Riaru behind when destroyed (total of 10; this is three less than the previous round).
- The minimum amount of points you will gain from clearing the formation is 11620 and the maximum amount is 20620 (given that those Durable Blocks are worth between 250 and 500 points when they are destroyed).
Round 3[edit | edit source]
- This formation is comprised of 45 Yellow Blocks, 1 Generator Block, 13 Red Blocks, 13 Blue Blocks, and 13 Green Blocks. Those Yellow Blocks have been made to look like an egg (with three lines of blocks below it).
- The only Yellow Block in the first row will leave a "5" Guro Riaru behind when destroyed, but the first Yellow Block in the eleventh row will leave a Ba Riaru behind, the fourth Red Block in the thirteenth row will leave a "2" Guro Riaru behind and the eleventh Red Block in the thirteenth row will leave a "1" Guro Riaru behind. If you collect the Ba Riaru, a force-field will appear in the centre of the screen; if you manage to get your initial ball into it before it disappears, it will quickly generate nine extra balls while there, to clear the round quicker.
- The minimum amount of points you will gain from clearing this formation is 15180 and the maximum amount is infinite due to the Generator Block's presence (it generates Red and Pink Blocks around itself whenever it can and takes three hits to destroy - however, it may become impossible to clear the round on account of it).
Round 4[edit | edit source]
- The formation's comprised of 110 Stone Blocks, 7 Green Blocks, 7 Yellow Blocks, 2 Purple Blocks, 11 Blue Blocks, 7 Light Green Blocks, 3 Red Blocks, 4 White Blocks, 4 Light Blue Blocks, also 22 Speed Up Blocks. An infinite amount of Killer Meteors will also be falling down from the top of the screen for the first time here.
- The second Light Green Block in the twelfth row will leave a Ba Riaru (which will cause another force-field to appear in the centre of the screen when collected; try to get your initial ball into it before it disappears again) behind when destroyed but the second and third Red Blocks in the thirteenth row will both leave an "8" Guro Riaru behind when destroyed (if you position Paddle in the centre of the screen after collecting both of them, it is impossible for your ball to go out of play - unless it gets hit by Killer Meteors and diminished as a result).
- The amount of points you will gain from clearing this formation is 5120; the next round will also look familiar.
Round 5[edit | edit source]
- This formation is comprised of 29 Red Blocks, 42 Blue Blocks, 2 Speed Up Blocks, and 52 Yellow Blocks. It is also made to look like a Galaxian Flagship, which have made cameo appearances in ten previous games.
- The first Red Block in that third row and the second Blue Block in that seventeenth row will both leave a Rai Naru behind when destroyed, but the third Red Block in the sixth row, the second Yellow Block in the eighth row, and the third Yellow Block in that eighth row will all leave "2" Guro Riaru behind when destroyed. If you collect the Rai Naru, it will cause a line to appear at the bottom of the screen to prevent your ball from going out of play; however, it disappears after one hit and bounces your ball away in its opposite direction of flight.
- The amount of points you'll gain from clearing this formation is 19160 - that next round will also look familiar.
Round 6[edit | edit source]
- The formation is comprised of 102 Yellow Blocks, 2 White Blocks and 2 Generator Blocks. It is also made to look like Namco's signature character Pac-Man eating two pellets, on account of the fact that this game was produced by the then-32-year-old Toru Iwatani (he is also responsible for Pole Position, and Libble Rabble).
- The second Yellow Block in the ninth row and that single White Block in the fourteenth row will both leave a "2" Guro Riaru behind when destroyed, but the fourth Yellow Block in the eleventh row will leave a Ba Riaru powerup behind (which will cause a third force-field to appear in the centre of the screen when collected; try to get your initial ball into it before it disappears once again), and that single White Block in the fifteenth row will leave a "5" Guro Riaru behind. The total of the three Guro Riaru powerups that are upon this round is 9.
- The minimum amount of points you'll gain from clearing the formation is 20480 and the maximum amount is infinite due to the Generator Blocks' presences (again, they generate Red & Pink Blocks around themselves when they can and take three hits to destroy - however, it may again become impossible to clear the round).
Round 7[edit | edit source]
- The first bonus formation is comprised of 49 Speed Up Blocks, 24 Green Blocks, 24 Blue Blocks, 24 Light Green Blocks, 24 White Blocks, and 12 Light Blue Blocks, and you will be given fifteen seconds to clear it.
- Once Paddle has reappeared at the bottom of the screen (with not just one, but ten balls on it), the speech sample "Ready? Go!" will be heard from the DAC as the words appear on the screen to accompany it; you will then have to quickly press the Launch Button ten times (once for each ball), as the round's timer starts.
- The amount of points you will gain from clearing this formation before the timer runs out is 11280 - and you will also receive a "Break Bonus" of 10800 points (100 points for every block in the formation), along with a "Perfect Bonus" of 10000 points for a total of 32080 points. Paddle will now proceed on to the eighth round.
Round 8[edit | edit source]
- This formation is comprised of 5 Speed Up Blocks, 19 Green Blocks, 2 White Blocks, 20 Yellow Blocks, 6 Blue Blocks, 6 Light Blue Blocks, 6 Durable Blocks, 5 Pink Blocks and 20 Stone Blocks. It is also made to look like a jellyfish with five tentacles of varying lengths; the fourth and fifth Speed Up Blocks are its eyes.
- The seventh Green Block in the second row and the fourth Green Block in the third row will both leave "4" Guro Riaru behind - but that second Yellow Block in that fourth row will leave a "2" Guro Riaru behind, the third Green Block in that fourth row and the third Yellow Block in that eighth row will both leave a Rai Naru behind, and the third Pink Block in the ninth row will leave a "5" Guro Riaru behind (adding to a total of 15).
- The minimum amount of points you will gain from clearing this formation is 9600 and the maximum amount is 11100 (you must remember that Durable Blocks are worth between 250 and 500 points when destroyed).
Round 9[edit | edit source]
- This formation is comprised up of 1 Red Block, 1 Green Block, 1 Yellow Block, 189 Stone Blocks, 1 White Block, 1 Purple Block, and 1 Light Blue Block. An infinite amount of Killer Meteors will also be falling down from the top of the screen for the second time here (which will diminish Paddle's sizing if they crash into it).
- All six of the non-Stone Blocks in the first row will leave an "8" Guro Riaru behind when destroyed, but you will only have the chance to collect five of them given that the destruction of the last one will end the round.
- The amount of points you'll gain from clearing this formation is 720 (the first round total that is under 1000).
Round 10[edit | edit source]
- The formation is comprised of 1 Speed Up Block, 1 Generator Block, 42 Yellow Blocks and 2 Stone Blocks. The infinite amount of Killer Meteors will also be falling down from the top of screen for their third time here.
- The single Yellow Block in the sixth row and that second Yellow Block in that eleventh row will both leave a "4" Guro Riaru behind for you when destroyed, but that single Yellow Block in that ninth row will leave a "3" Guro Riaru behind, the first Yellow Block up in the twelfth row will leave a Ba Riaru (which will cause a third force-field to appear in the centre of the screen when collected) behind, the seventh Yellow Block up in that twelfth row will leave a Rai Naru (which will create a line at the bottom of the screen when collected) behind and the eighth Yellow Block up in that thirteenth row will leave a "2" Guro Riaru behind (this is a total of 13).
- The minimum amount of points you will gain from clearing this formation is 8720, and the maximum amount is infinite due to that Generator Block's presence (once again, it generates Red and Pink Blocks round itself when it can, and takes 3 hits to destroy; however, it may once again become impossible to clear the round).
Round 11[edit | edit source]
- The formation's comprised of 12 Pink Block, 5 Speed Up Blocks, 2 Speed Down Blocks, 12 Yellow Blocks, 8 Stone Blocks and 12 Blue Blocks. That infinite amount of Killer Meteors will also be falling down from the top of the screen for the fourth time here, so you must yet again watch for them while trying to catch a ball.
- The third Pink Block in the first row, the first Yellow Block in the seventh row and the first Blue Block in the twelfth row will all leave a "5" Guro Riaru behind when destroyed, but the second Pink Block in the second row will leave a Rally-X Special Flag (which will give Paddle one extra life when collected) behind, and the second Yellow Block in that seventh row will leave a Rai Naru (which will create a line at the bottom of the screen when collected) behind (the three Guro Riaru powerups that are on this round add to a total of 15).
- The amount of points you'll gain from clearing this formation is 5760; this is also one of only two rounds in the game to feature a Rally-X Special Flag powerup (the other is the thirty-second, and penultimate, one).
Round 12[edit | edit source]
- This formation is comprised of 46 Durable Blocks, 2 Speed Up Blocks, 26 Light Green Blocks, and 1 Green Block. That infinite amount of Killer Meteors will also be falling down from the top of the screen for their fifth time here, and the formation itself is also made to look like a capital letter "D" rotated 90 degrees clockwise.
- The second Durable Block up in the second row will leave a "3" Guro Riaru behind when destroyed, but the single Green Block up in the sixth row will leave a Ba Riaru (which will cause a fourth forcefield to appear in the centre of the screen) behind; you should try to get your initial ball in there before it disappears yet again.
- The minimum amount of points you will gain from clearing the formation is 14240 and the maximum amount is 25740 (you should remember that a Durable Block's worth between 250 and 500 points when destroyed).
Round 13[edit | edit source]
- This formation is comprised of 8 Purple Blocks, 16 Light Blue Blocks, 16 Blue Blocks, 16 Green Blocks, 16 Yellow Blocks, 16 Red Blocks, 15 White Blocks, 8 Light Green Blocks and 11 of the Speed Up Blocks. The infinite amount of Killer Meteors will also be falling down from the top of the screen for their sixth time here.
- The third Purple Block in the first row and the fifth Yellow Block up in the fifth row will both leave a Rai Naru behind when destroyed, but all six of the White Blocks in the sixteenth row will leave "9" Guro Riaru behind.
- The amount of points you'll gain from clearing this formation is 13520, and that second bonus round is next.
Round 14[edit | edit source]
- The second bonus formation of the game is comprised of 53 Speed Up Blocks, 35 Green Blocks, 5 Yellow Blocks, 10 Blue Blocks, 10 Light Green Blocks, 10 White Blocks, 5 Light Blue Blocks and 1 Red Block, but you will again be given fifteen seconds to clear it (there is also thirty-two less blocks to destroy in this one).
- Once Paddle has reappeared at the bottom of the screen (with not just one, but ten balls on it), the speech sample "Ready? Go!" will be heard from the DAC as the words appear on the screen to accompany it; you will then have to quickly press the Launch Button ten times (once for each ball), as the round's timer starts.
- The amount of points you will gain from clearing this formation, before the timer runs out, is 9200 - and you will also receive a "Break Bonus" of 7600 points (again, this bonus is 100 points for every block that was in the formation), along with a "Perfect Bonus" of 10000 points, for a total of 26800 points. Now for Round 15.
Round 15[edit | edit source]
- This formation is comprised of 16 Yellow Blocks, 48 Durable Blocks, 40 Green Blocks, 6 Stone Blocks and 2 of Speed Up Blocks. The infinite amount of Killer Meteors will also be falling down from the top of the screen for the seventh time here, so you must for the seventh time watch out for them while trying to catch that ball.
- The third Durable Block in the second row will leave a "4" Guro Riaru behind when destroyed, but the fourth Durable Block in that ninth row and the first Green Block in that fifteenth row will both leave a "2" Guro Riaru behind, the first Green Block in the fourteenth row will leave a "6" Guro Riaru behind, and the second Green Block in that sixteenth row will leave a Rai Naru (which will generate a line at the bottom of the screen when collected) behind - you should also see that the total of the four Guro Riaru powerups upon this round is 14.
- The minimum amount of points you will gain from clearing the formation is 18880 and the maximum amount is 30880 (you should remember that a Durable Block's worth between 250 and 500 points when destroyed).
Round 16[edit | edit source]
- The formation's comprised of 3 Durable Blocks, 17 Stone Blocks, 2 Speed Up Blocks, 1 Speed Down Block, 3 of Generator Blocks, 12 Purple Blocks, 12 Blue Blocks, 12 Green Blocks, 12 White Blocks, 12 Light Green Blocks and 12 Yellow Blocks. The infinite amount of Killer Meteors will also fall from the top of the screen for the eighth time here, so you must for an eighth time watch out for them while you are trying to catch the ball.
- The single Durable Block up in that third row will leave a Ba Riaru (which will cause fifth force-field to appear in the centre of the screen when collected) behind when it is destroyed, but the second Blue Block up in that fifteenth row will leave a "2" Guro Riaru behind, the sixth Blue Block in the fifteenth row will leave a Rai Naru behind, the first White Block in the sixteenth row will leave a Guro Riaru "3" behind, and the fifth White Block in the sixteenth row will leave a "1" Guro Riaru behind (the total of all three Guro Riaru upon this round is 6).
- The minimum amount of points you will gain from clearing this formation is 14910 and the maximum amount is infinite due to the Generator Blocks' presence (yet again, these will generate Red and Pink Blocks around themselves when they can, and take 3 hits to destroy; however, it may yet again become impossible to win).
Round 17[edit | edit source]
- The formation is comprised of 86 Durable Blocks in various stages of fadedness, without any Killer Meteors.
- The fourth Durable Block up in that third row will leave a "2" Guro Riaru behind when destroyed, but the first Durable Block up in the seventh row will leave a Rai Naru behind, and the first Durable Block up in the tenth row and that first Durable Block up in the thirteenth row will both leave a "1" Guro Riaru behind (a total of 4).
- The minimum amount of points you will gain from clearing the formation is 21500 and the maximum amount is 43000 (you should remember that a Durable Block's worth between 250 and 500 points when destroyed).
Round 18[edit | edit source]
- This formation is comprised of 8 Light Blue Blocks, 16 Purple Blocks, 49 Red Blocks, 4 Stone Blocks and 2 Generator Blocks. The infinite amount of Killer Meteors will again be falling down from the top of the screen for the ninth time here, so you must for a ninth time watch out for them while you are trying to catch the ball.
- The first Purple Block in the second row and the second Light Blue Block in the sixteenth row will both leave a "5" Guro Riaru behind when destroyed, but that single Red Block up in that ninth row will leave a Ba Riaru (which will cause a sixth force-field to appear in the centre of the screen when collected) behind; you should (for a sixth time) try to get your initial ball in it, before it disappears, and the total of the two Guro Riaru is 10.
- The minimum amount of points you will gain from clearing this formation is 15560 and the maximum amount is infinite, due to the Generator Blocks' presence (for a fifth time, they generate Red and Pink Blocks around themselves when they can, and take 3 hits to destroy - however, it may, for a fifth time, become impossible).
Round 19[edit | edit source]
- The formation is comprised of 20 Stone Blocks, 48 Yellow Blocks, 3 of Speed Up Blocks, 2 of Speed Down Blocks and 53 Blue Blocks. It is also made to look like a maze from Toru Iwatani's Pac-Man series, and the infinite amount of Killer Meteors will again be falling down from the top of the screen for the tenth time here, so you must, for the tenth time, watch out for them while trying to catch that ball at the bottom of the screen.
- That fifth Yellow Block in that sixth row (above the first Speed Down Block) will leave a Rai Naru (which will generate a line at the bottom of the screen when collected) behind when destroyed, but that second Yellow Block in the tenth row will leave a "6" Guro Riaru behind (this is the only Guro Riaru powerup on this round).
- The amount of points you will gain from clearing the formation is 14040, for no Durable or Generator Blocks.
Round 20[edit | edit source]
- This formation is comprised of 4 Stone Blocks, 42 Durable Blocks, 30 Green Blocks, 2 Speed Down Blocks, 2 Speed Up Blocks and 5 Generator Blocks. That infinite amount of Killer Meteors will again be falling down from the top of the screen for the eleventh time here, so you must, for the eleventh time, watch out for them.
- The fourth Durable Block up in that second row will leave a Ba Riaru (which will cause a seventh force-field to appear in the centre of your screen when collected) behind when destroyed, but that third Green Block in the third row and the third Green Block in the ninth row will both leave a "2" Guro Riaru behind, and the first and fifth Green Blocks in the sixth row will both leave a Rai Naru (which will generate a line at the bottom of the screen when collected) behind; the total of those two Guro Riaru powerups that are upon this round is 4.
- The minimum amount of points you will gain from clearing this formation is 24700 and the maximum amount is infinite, due to the Generator Blocks' presence (for a sixth time, they generate Red and Pink Blocks round themselves when they can, and take 3 hits to destroy - however, it may for a sixth time become impossible).
Round 21[edit | edit source]
- The third bonus formation of the game comprised of 53 Speed Up Blocks, 49 White Blocks, 30 Light Green Blocks, 15 Blue Blocks and 4 Green Blocks, and you will once again have fifteen seconds to clear it in (but there are twenty-two more blocks to destroy in this one, when compared to that previous bonus formation).
- Once Paddle has reappeared at the bottom of the screen (with not just one, but ten balls on it), the speech sample "Ready? Go!" will be heard from the DAC as the words appear on the screen to accompany it; you will then have to quickly press the Launch Button ten times (once for each ball), as the round's timer starts.
- The amount of points you will gain from clearing this formation, before the timer runs out, is 9280 - and you will also receive a "Break Bonus" of 9800 points (once again, this bonus is 100 points for every block in the formation), along with a "Perfect Bonus" of 10000 points, for the total of 29080 points. Now on to Round 22.
Round 22[edit | edit source]
- This formation is comprised of 53 Pink Blocks, 71 Yellow Blocks, and 1 Speed Up Block. It is also made to look like a capital letter "C" rotated 90 degrees clockwise, and the infinite amount of Killer Meteors will also be falling down from the top of the screen for their twelfth time here, so you must for the twelfth time watch out for them while you are trying to catch that ball at the bottom of the screen (especially if it gets sped up).
- That fourth Yellow Block in that fourth row will leave a "7" Guro Riaru behind when destroyed, but that third Yellow Block in that fourteenth row will leave a Ba Riaru (which will cause an eighth force-field to appear in the centre of the screen when collected; try to get your initial ball in before it disappears for an eighth time).
- The amount of points you'll gain from clearing this formation is 21960 - for no Durable or Generator Blocks.
Round 23[edit | edit source]
- This formation's comprised of 1 Speed Up Block, 12 Light Green Blocks, 8 Blue Blocks, 36 Stone Blocks, 8 Purple Blocks, 8 Yellow Blocks and 8 Green Blocks. That infinite amount of Killer Meteor will also be falling down from the top of the screen for thirteenth time here, so you must for thirteenth time watch out for them.
- The seventh Blue Block up in the third row will leave a "5" Guro Riaru behind when destroyed, but the third Purple Block up in the seventh row will leave a "4" Guro Riaru behind, and the fourth Green Block up in the fifteenth row will leave a Rai Naru (which creates a line at the bottom of the screen when collected) behind.
- The amount of points you will gain from clearing the formation is 4000 (as no Durable or Generator Blocks).
Round 24[edit | edit source]
- The formation's comprised of 6 Purple Blocks, 4 Light Green Blocks, 6 White Blocks, 8 Light Blue Blocks, 5 Generator Blocks, 6 Green Blocks, 6 Red Blocks, 6 Yellow Blocks, 6 Blue Blocks, 2 Stone Blocks, 1 Speed Up Block, and 1 Speed Down Block. That infinite amount of Killer Meteors will also not be falling down here.
- That Purple Block up in that second row will leave a Ba Riaru (which will cause ninth force-field to appear in the centre of the screen when collected) behind when destroyed; you should try to get the initial ball in there before it disappears for a ninth time, for you may well need the help of the nine extra balls it generates here.
- The minimum amount of points you will gain from clearing the formation is 15560 and the maximum amount is infinite due to the Generator Blocks' presence (for the 7th time, they generate Red and Pink Blocks round themselves when they can, and take 3 hits to destroy - however, it may for the 7th time become impossible).
Round 25[edit | edit source]
- This formation is comprised up of 10 Yellow Blocks, 1 White Block, 1 Generator Block, 18 Green Blocks, 3 Speed Up Blocks, 26 Purple Blocks, and 22 Pink Blocks. The infinite amount of Killer Meteors will again be falling down from the top of the screen for what is the fourteenth time here, so you must watch out for them.
- The third Green Block in the third row will leave a Ba Riaru (which will cause a tenth force-field to appear in centre of the screen when collected) behind when destroyed, but the third and fourth Purple Block up in the thirteenth row will both leave a "4" Guro Riaru behind, and the fifth Purple Block up in the thirteenth row will leave a "1" Guro Riaru behind (and the total of the three Guro Riaru powerups that are upon this round is 9).
- The minimum amount of points you will gain from clearing this formation is 12680 and the maximum amount is infinite due to the Generator Block's presence (for an eighth time, it generates Red and Pink Blocks round itself when it can and takes 3 hits to destroy; however, it may, for an eighth time, become impossible to win).
Round 26[edit | edit source]
- This formation is comprised of 31 Stone Blocks, 1 Green Block, 85 Yellow Blocks, 32 Blue Blocks, 4 Red Blocks, and 4 Speed Up Blocks. It is also made to look like a Yellow Rainbow Block from Cutie Q, which is the third and final title in Toru Iwatani's Gee Bee trilogy from 1979, and the infinite amount of Killer Meteors will also be falling down from the top of the screen for the fifteenth time too so you must watch out for them.
- That Green Block up in the first row will leave a Ba Riaru (which will cause an eleventh force-field to appear in the centre of the screen when collected) behind when destroyed; you should try to get your initial ball in it before it disappears for a tenth time, for you may well need the help of the nine extra balls it generates here.
- The amount of points you will gain from clearing the formation is 18380, for no Durable or Generator Blocks.
Round 27[edit | edit source]
- This formation is comprised of a total of 22 Pink Blocks, 1 Durable Block, 2 Stone Blocks, 28 Purple Blocks, 7 Generator Blocks and 1 Speed Up Block. The infinite amount of Killer Meteors will also not be falling here.
- The single Durable Block up in the second row will leave a Ba Riaru (which will cause a twelfth force-field to appear in the centre of your screen when collected) behind when destroyed; however, the single Pink Block in that ninth row will leave an "8" Guro Riaru (which is the only one upon this round) behind when destroyed.
- The minimum amount of points you will gain from clearing this formation is 20890 and the maximum amount is infinite, due to the Generator Blocks' presence (for a ninth time, they generate Red and Pink Blocks round themselves when they can, and take 3 hits to destroy - however, it may for a ninth time become impossible).
Round 28[edit | edit source]
- The fourth bonus formation of the game is comprised of 50 Speed Up Blocks, 12 Yellow Blocks, 24 Green Blocks, 24 Blue Blocks, 24 Light Green Blocks, 24 White Blocks and 12 Light Blue Blocks, and you will yet again be given fifteen seconds to clear it (this is also the last bonus formation, with only five rounds to go).
- Once Paddle has reappeared at the bottom of the screen (with not just one, but ten balls on it), the speech sample "Ready? Go!" will be heard from the DAC as the words appear on the screen to accompany it; you will then have to quickly press the Launch Button ten times (once for each ball), as the round's timer starts.
- The amount of points you'll gain from clearing this formation before that timer runs out is 13200 - and you'll also receive a last "Break Bonus" of 12000 points (yet again, this bonus is 100 points for every block in the formation), along with a "Perfect Bonus" of 10000 points for the total of 35200 points. Now on to Round 29.
Round 29[edit | edit source]
- The formation's comprised up of 5 Speed Up Blocks, 26 Light Blue Blocks, 26 White Blocks, 26 Light Green Blocks, 13 Blue Blocks, 13 Green Blocks, 11 Yellow Blocks, 13 Purple Blocks, and 3 Generator Blocks. The infinite amount of Killer Meteors will also be falling down from top of the screen, for their sixteenth time here.
- The third and twelfth Light Blue Blocks in the second row will both leave a Rai Naru behind when destroyed.
- The minimum amount of points you will gain from clearing this formation is 18440 and the maximum amount is infinite, due to the Generator Blocks' presence (for a tenth time, they generate Red and Pink Blocks round themselves when they can, and take 3 hits to destroy - however, it may for a tenth time become impossible).
Round 30[edit | edit source]
- This formation is comprised up of: 49 Green Blocks, 6 Red Blocks, 8 Speed Up Blocks, 3 Stone Blocks, and 6 Speed Down Blocks. The 55 Green and Red Blocks are also made to resemble an angry inverted triangle.
- The second Green Block in the first row will leave a "1" Guro Riaru behind when destroyed, but the third and sixth Green Blocks in that first row will both leave a "2" Guro Riaru behind, the fourth Green Block in the first row will leave a "4" Guro Riaru behind, and the seventh Green Block up in that first row will leave a "3" Guro Riaru behind (there are also no Killer Meteors on this round and the total of the Guro Riaru powerups is 12).
- The amount of points you will gain from clearing this formation is 8060 - for no Durable or Generator Blocks.
Round 31[edit | edit source]
- The third-last formation is comprised of: 1 Blue Block, 17 Stone Blocks, 2 Speed Up Blocks, 18 Red Blocks, 4 Generator Blocks, 49 Green Blocks and 11 Yellow Blocks. Again, there are also no Killer Meteors up here.
- That single Blue Block in the first row will leave a Ba Riaru (which will cause a twelfth force-field to appear in the centre of the screen when collected) behind when destroyed; however, the third Green Block in the 15th row will leave a Rai Naru behind, that fourth Green Block in that 15th row will leave a "6" Guro Riaru behind, that third Green Block in that 17th row will leave a "4" Guro Riaru behind, and the eighth Green Block in that 17th row will leave a "5" Guro Riaru behind (the total of all three Guro Riaru powerup upon this round is 15).
- The minimum amount of points you will gain from clearing this formation is 20340 and the maximum amount is infinite due to the Generator Blocks' presence (for an 11th time, they generate Red and Pink Blocks round themselves when they can and take 3 hits to destroy - however, it may for an 11th time become impossible).
Round 32[edit | edit source]
- The second-last formation is comprised up of: 23 Stone Blocks, 40 Yellow Blocks, 10 Green Blocks, 7 Blue Blocks, 30 Pink Blocks, 3 Generator Blocks, 4 Light Green Blocks, 3 Purple Blocks and 2 Speed Up Blocks.
- That second Yellow Block up in that sixth row will leave a Rai Naru (which will generate a line at the bottom of the screen when collected) behind when destroyed, but the first Green Block in that tenth row will leave a Ba Riaru (which will cause a thirteenth, final force-field to appear in the centre of the screen when collected) behind, the first Pink Block in the thirteenth row will leave a "4" Guro Riaru behind, the second Pink Block in the thirteenth row will leave a Rally-X Special Flag behind, and the third Pink Block in that thirteenth row will leave a "2" Guro Riaru behind; once again, there are also no Killer Meteors on this penultimate game round.
- The minimum amount of points you will gain from clearing this formation is 21280 and the maximum amount is infinite due to the Generator Blocks' presence (for a 12th time, they generate Red and Pink Blocks around themselves when they can and take 3 hits to destroy - however, it may, for a 12th time, become impossible).
Round 33[edit | edit source]
- This formation is comprised of a battle with the game's final boss "Breeder"; as mentioned in the introductory section of this page, he is taking on the role of "Doh" from the two Arkanoid games, but is not an enormous Moai and will not attack Paddle by spitting lethal mirrors at it). He is protected by a metal wall (like the Skull from Navalone), which has a vulnerable spot in the centre of its top side - and once your ball has landed on the aforementioned vulnerable spot, the block-sized area it occupied on the wall will disappear, and you will receive 10000 points. You will then have to hope that your ball lands on the vulnerable spot four more times for 40000 more points before Breeder becomes vulnerable (even though the five layers of the wall will not be regenerated if you die); once the ball has landed on him, he will turn red and explode as you receive 10000 final points. The wall will then fly up off the top of the screen to reveal the image of Earth in the background (which shows Eastern Asia, and this could be why the game has never been released in the United States), and Paddle will receive 100000 bonus points for every life it has remaining as the screen fades out to black. You can now sit back and enjoy the ending, which is not like that of the two Arkanoid games at all - it shows Paddle touching down on Earth, and the game designer, Shinji Noguchi, emerging from it before the credits:
After the credits have finished, the text "GAME OVER" will appear on the screen before the game goes into high-score mode; your score will most likely be the highest one upon the cabinet to date, so you should enter your name (up to eight characters) at the top of that table with pride (but the sensitivity of that rotary controller may make selecting correct characters somewhat difficult to do, much like the steering wheel on Pole Position and the analogue joystick on Thunder Ceptor). Once you have managed to enter up to eight characters correctly, the game will go back into attract mode and replay your performance from the fifth round - you may wish to watch this to see how well you were doing back at that point before you walk away from the cabinet.