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It's key to get a good start and to not bash into the other cars in the process.

Here are some tips that are useful for racing, and for highlighting all the features in the game.

  • Use 7 and 9 or 1 and 3 to drift around the corners for a kudos bonus.
  • Score kudos for several stunts in quick succession for a kudos combo.
  • Use 8 to take your foot off the gas and hit the brakes.
  • Run a section of the track without hitting any cars or barriers for a clean section bonus.
  • Save a ghost of your greatest performance and upload or download ghosts online.
  • Check online to see where you rank amongst other gamers.
  • Stay in the inner area when going round a corner, this gives you a better chance of overtaking a car.
  • Practice on the Time Trial mode before racing as this'll give you an opportunity to learn the track and it's corners.
  • Try not to hit any of the cars in front of you when setting off as this slows your acceleration down, and the car that you bumped into (if from behind) will get an acceleration boost.
  • If you own a lot of cars, then use the car which is most suited to the task. For drifting for instance, pick a car which has good drifting stats to maximize your Kudos points.