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The second building[edit | edit source]

Your next goal will be Guaron. Guaron is accessible by travelling north from Ryuon, but it's quite a ways away, so stock up on supplies for the journey. Once you leave Ryuon, travel west until you can begin to move North. Keep going as far north as you can until you hit an impassable mountain range, and then walk a short distance to the east to find Guaron.

Guaron[edit | edit source]

Guaron is the last linear dungeon you will explore. You have to explore the first floor fairly well in order to find the right staircase that leads to the second floor and beyond. Once you find it, the guess work is largely over, and it just comes down to how much punishment you can survive before you have to exit the building and rest at a hospital. There are quite a few chests to find, and just as everything in Menobe was head gear, all of the treasure in Guaron are armors.

Floor 1[edit | edit source]

Item Notes
1 Amber Robe Hugh
Defense 20
2 Laconish Rudo Kain
Defense 65

There are two treasure chests to find and collect on the first floor, but neither are particularly significant. An Amber Robe can be found near the top of the main building, but it's nothing amazing at this point in the game. It can serve as another self healing item if you missed one of the four previous items on Mota. The other item is a Laconish which you very likely already purchased for Rudo in Ryuon. It can be found far to the left of where you entered the building.

Your main focus here is to find the right stairway up to the second floor that gets you going on your way to the top of the building. To do so, you must travel straight up through the entrance hallway, and head to the left when you reach the top. Follow this path way until you see an exit from the building going left into a wooded area. You'll need to navigate through the maze of trees as it brings you further to the left, but don't exit the area or you'll be forced to retrace your steps. Instead, head down towards another wing of the building. You'll see an entrance to a room with four staircases, but all of these lead to an empty room on the second floor. Instead, continue past it to the right to find a staircase in a round room that will turn out to be the base of a tower that you must climb.

Floor 2[edit | edit source]

Item Notes
1 Crystchest Rudo Kain
Defense 60
Casts GRA

There is a chest on this floor, but it isn't of tremendous consequence. It contains a Crystchest which is already worse armor than the Laconish found on the first floor. If you wish to collect it, you'll have to head right from the stairs that you arrived on. Then head up and around a wall until you see the chest. Any other staircase back down to the first floor leads to secluded rooms. The only way to proceed is through the stairs that lead up around the pit from your arrival.

Floors 3 - 7[edit | edit source]

The next five floors have you climbing up the tower, going from top to bottom on the odd floors, and bottom to top on the even floors. All you need to do is climb.

Floor 8[edit | edit source]

Item Notes
1 Neicape Amy Shir
Defense 88

You'll get a break from climbing when you reach the eighth floor. An opening in the lower left wall of the tower provides you access to a small maze. Explore the maze until you find the chest it contains. In this chest is the first piece of Nei equipment that you can find here, the Neicape. This is incredible defense for Amy or Shir, so be sure to equip it on one of them immediately if they are in your party. Once you have it, return to the tower and continue your climb.

Floor 9[edit | edit source]

Item Notes
1 Crystcape Amy Anna Shir
Defense 62
Casts GRA

Yet another floor with more to explore, head to the right when you arrive. You'll have to choose between going up or down. Go down first before moving between the pillars to the right. Eventually you'll reach the other side of the chamber, where you can enter from the right and walk to the chest on the left. It contains a Crystcape, which is weaker than the Neicape (and the Laconcape if you bought one for Anna) so it's not much use to you. Whether you collect it or not, continue climbing the tower to proceed.

Floors 10 - 16[edit | edit source]

As with floors 3 through 7, you must continue to make your way up the tower until you reach the very top at Floor 17.

Floor 17[edit | edit source]

Item Notes
1 Neiarmor Rudo Kain
Defense 95

Once you have completed your climb, you need only walk around from the bottom of the floor to the top in order to access the chamber where the second and final piece of Nei equipment can be found, the Neiarmor. This is the best possible armor that you can equip either Rudo or Kain with.

With Menobe and Guaron fully explored, you should now possess four pieces of Nei equipment, with four more to go.