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Box artwork for Penta no Tsuri Bouken.
Box artwork for Penta no Tsuri Bouken.
Penta no Tsuri Bouken
Publisher(s)Konami Mobile
Year released2003
SeriesAntarctic Adventure
Japanese titleペン太の釣冒険
ModesSingle player
LinksPenta no Tsuri Bouken ChannelSearchSearch

Penta no Tsuri Bouken (ペン太の釣冒険 The Penta's Fishing Adventure?) is a fishing video game in the Antarctic Adventure series for mobile phones. It was developed by Konami and released on May 7, 2003 exclusively in Japan. In mid-2004, the game was re-released for download through the Konami Net DX (コナミネットDX Konami Netto DX?) platform with the title Penta no Tsuri Bouken DX (ペン太の釣冒険DX The Penta's Fishing Adventure DX?).

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