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You will begin the game with a certain amount of gold, determined by the daimyo that you selected. Gold is primarily obtained through the collection of annual taxes every fall, which is determined by your tax rate. If you are in need of additional gold, you can sell rice to merchants. You can also borrow gold from merchants, and the amount that you can borrow is determined by your town’s rating and the loyalty of your peasants.
Gold is very important since just about every command costs a certain amount of gold to execute. If you have no gold during your turn, your options will be limited. You also pay your army in the fall, and if you don’t have enough gold, soldiers will abandon your army.
This is the total amount of gold that you owe to a merchant. You are shown the total of the loan and interest. The interest rate you pay is determined by the rate which is shown on the market portion of the main display. Loan amounts are deducted from your gold in the fall, although you also have the option of repaying them early.
The value displayed here indicates the worth of your town. When your town increases in value, you collect more taxes and you can borrow more gold from merchants. Using the Build command will increase your town’s value. However, floods from typhoons or nearby battles will decrease the value of your town.
Rice is harvested every fall, and is critical to feeding your army. If you happen to run out of rice during a battle, you will automatically lose! The amount of rice that gets harvested is determined by your Output stat. If you need more rice, you can buy some from merchants. Alternatively, if you find that you have a surplus, you can sell it to merchants for gold.
This value determines how much rice your peasants will harvest each fall. It can be increased by using the Grow command, but that will also have the effect of lowering your peasants’ loyalty, as well as the strength of the dams. Output is lowered by typhoons and illness.
Dams protect your town from floods caused by typhoons. The higher the value, the better protection they provide, so it’s best to keep it as close to 100 as you can. Use the Dam command to raise this stat. Note that using the Grow command will lower this stat.
Loyalty represents how happy the peasants are, and how loyal they are to you, the daimyo. High loyalty results in more gold and rice each fall, while a low loyalty may result in a revolt against you. To raise loyalty, use the Give command or lower your tax rate. Increasing the tax rate, or using the Grow command will lower loyalty.
This stat measures how much food and money your peasants are in possession of. The more wealth they have, the more taxes you can collect. Wealth impacts your Loyalty stat; the more wealth the peasants have, the more loyal they will become.
The number of soldiers which are stationed in a town are shown here, in units of one thousand. Use the recruiting command to increase this number, but note that recruiting new soldiers will decrease your army’s morale, skill, and arms levels.
Just as loyalty measures how happy your peasants are, morale measures the happiness of your army. When morale is high, soldiers will follow your commands in battle, and they won’t consider defecting or revolting. If morale is low, soldiers may defect to the enemy or rise up against you in peace time. Morale can be increased by using the Give command. However, it will decrease whenever you recruit more soldiers, lose a battle, or allow an enemy to occupy your castle in battle.
This value indicates how well trained your soldiers are. A more skillful army has a better chance of defeating an enemy army, even if they are greater in size. If an army that is attacked is very skillful, they will be more successful at launching a counterattack. Use the Train command to increase the skill level of your army.
When fighting in battle, equipment is crucial to an army’s success. A smaller but well equipped army can defeat a larger army with poor equipment. Buy more arms from merchants with the Trade command.