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Controls[edit | edit source]

  • Neutral dpad: Use the direction pad to move your character around in four direction on the map screen, or to run left and right in each stage.
  • B button: Press B to fire your currently selected weapon.
  • A button: Press A to make your character jump. The longer you hold the button down, the higher you will jump. While jumping, you can direct your character left and right with the direction pad.
  • Down dpad+A button: Hold down while pressing A to drop through the current ledge you are standing on, to the ledge below.
  • Start button: Pauses the game.
  • Select button: Press Select to cycle through your available weapon. Your primary weapon is always selected, but you can choose between any of the secondary weapons that you still have ammunition for, or choose none of them to save them for later use, but you must fire off at least one of your most recently acquired weapon before you can switch off of it.

Player[edit | edit source]

In the American version, you control a young ninja warrior named Kyo whose primary weapon is throwing darts. He has an unlimited supply of them, and their speed is influenced by the ninja"s speed when he is throwing them. In the Japanese version, you control the titular character, Kitarou. Kitarou is a yōkai boy born in a cemetery, and aside from his mostly-decayed father, the last living member of the Ghost tribe. Kitarou has an assortment of strange weapons at his disposal, including remote-controlled geta sandals, a detachable hand, also remote-controlled, and a magic chanchanko vest which can protect its wearer from danger. Kitarou"s primary weapon is a collection of spiny hairs which he can shoot at enemies like arrows. He also employs a magical ocarina which he can use to summon other yōkai friends of his whenever he needs assistance. Both characters are capable of running quite quickly, and jumping from ledge to ledge. They can also flying on magic floating carpets from when the need arises.

Items[edit | edit source]

Weapons[edit | edit source]

Weapons appear from time to time in various places throughout each stage. You can collect only one per stage. Collecting some weapons grants you 20 seconds of invulnerability.

Kyo Description Kitarou
Kyo can collect feathers in sets of 3. Kitarou collects his magic chanchanko vests instead. You can collect a maximum of 10. This item flies through the air and can be directed with the control pad. When it hits an enemy, it does not disappear. It will last on the current stage for approximately 60 seconds. When you collect this item, you also receive 20 seconds of invulnerability.
Kyo can collect Shuriken (throwing stars) in sets of 20. Kitarou collects ammunition for his detachable hand, which performs a finger attack on enemies. You can collect a maximum of 99. This weapon is stronger than your primary weapon since it will continue to fly forward even after colliding with an enemy.
Kyo can collect Boomerangs in sets of 4. Kitarou collects remote-controlled geta sandals. You can collect a maximum of 10. Like the feather or chanchanko vest, this item"s movement through the air can be controlled. However, when it hits an enemy, it will disappear. If it doesn"t hit anything, it can last on the current stage for approximately 60 seconds. When you collect this item, you also receive 20 seconds of invulnerability.
Both Kyo and Kitarou can collect a form of fireball as a weapon in sets of 20. You can collect a maximum of 99. Unlike the Shuriken or detachable hand, it will stop once it hits an enemy. However, it spins around the primary weapon that your character throws, giving it better range.

Key Stage Items[edit | edit source]

These items can be found in every stage, and appear above your life count at the top of the screen.

Kyo Description Kitarou
In order to enter the temple and challenge the level boss to a battle, you must collect these from one of the stages. Kyo must collect a scroll. Kitarou must collect a crystal ball. Without these items, you cannot leave the level. In fact, if you are in the stage where these items can be collected, you can"t even leave the stage until you have collected one, even if you have fulfilled the stage quota. They begin to appear when you have filled half of the stage quota, and continue to fall until you catch one.
In every stage, a flute or ocarina will fall from the sky when your quota is down to 1. It is important to catch at least one of these if you want assistance during a boss battle. The flute or ocarina will disappear if you fulfill the last quota, so be sure to collect it before you are ready to exit the stage.

Stage Bonus Items[edit | edit source]

These items can be found in every stage as well. However, in order to make them appear, you have to fulfill certain conditions. Forexample, you must either move through a certain place in the stage, or fire in a certain location.

By shooting in a certain location on the stage, you can make these two eyeballs appear. They will always appear together, simultaneously. However, one is very good for you while the other is harmful. The hairless eye on the left (who is actually Kitarou"s father) will grant you an extra life, while the hairy eyeball will take one away. Shoot the hairy one instead for 500 points.
By passing through the correct location in a stage, you can make the crow or red-faced child appear. The crow will fly across the screen from left to right, while the child will remain stationary. Collecting either one results in the same benefit: when you complete the stage, the crow or child will appear over the door that leads immediately to the outside, and not to the demon pit.
Collecting the Bird House grants you 500 bonus points. To make it appear, you must press the Jump button 10 times. However, if you press the Jump button two more times, the bird house will disappear.
These bonus scrolls will grant you a random number of bonus points, either 1000, 2000, 3000, or 5000. To make them appear, you must run across the stage two times in the same direction. You can do this as many times as you like in each stage, but only two can appear at any given moment.

Battle Assistants[edit | edit source]

In order to call upon a Battle Assistant, you must collect at least one flute or ocarina. To use them, enter a boss battle, run to the left hand side of the room, and squat down. You can only summon one assistant at a time, you can only summon as many assistants as you have flutes for, and you may only summon each assistant once (unless you die).

Kyo Description Kitarou
Kyo can summon a Pegasus, while Kitarou can summon the giant wall yōkai Nurikabe. Both will walk slightly ahead of the player, about halfway between the player and the boss. They will block all of the bullets and projectiles that a boss fires at you. What they can"t stop is the actual boss, so be sure to jump out of the way if they get too close to you.
Kyo"s next summon is an Eagle, and Kitarou"s next summon is name Konaki Jijii, an absent-minded old yōkai man who attacks enemies by clinging to them and turning himself to stone. Their purpose is the same, to wander over to the boss and hold them in position while you attack. They do not, however, stop their projectiles, so you must still avoid their attacks. However, it"s much easier to attack them while they are motionless.
The final summon of Kyo is simply known as the mirror lady, while Kitarou"s last summon is called Sunakake Babaa, an old yōkai woman who carries sand which she throws into the eyes of enemies to blind them. In the game, they weaken the enemy by preventing and reflecting their attacks.