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Boss: Dr. Wily[edit | edit source]

Phase 1[edit | edit source]

Stun weapons: Mega Buster (charged), Mega Kick, Roll Swing, Proto Strike (weapons that counter whatever ones he uses in the Normal and Hard modes can also stun him)

On Easy, Wily Machine will only fire red balls at you. It's similar to the Old Style, although it fires slightly faster here. After you've beaten this form on Easy - congratulations! You've beat the game!

On Normal and Hard, it uses all of the Robot Masters weapons. Like with the Copy Mega Man, his weakness corresponds to the owner of its equipped weapon. Notes:

  • You can only use his Rolling Cutter weakness when playing as Guts Man.
  • Your Time Slow will not stun the machine when it uses Super Arm. It can be only accomplished by Time Man's clock hands.
  • When Wily uses Super Arm, he will not attack at all. In 2nd phase, he'll sometimes throw the hammer he used to repair his ship, which is very easy to avoid and he shouldn't cost you a lot of health.
  • When Wily uses Fire Storm, he will only attack after you do. In 1st phase, try not to attack him when he's close to you, because you won't have much time to dodge the attack.
Mega Buster Rolling Cutter Super Arm Ice Slasher Hyper Bomb Fire Storm Thunder Beam Time Slow Oil Slider Mega Kick Roll Swing Proto Strike
2 (Normal)
3 (Charged)
2 2 2 2 2 2 0 (Normal)
2 (Time Man's arrows)
2 (Glob)
2 (Normal)
3 3 3
(for corresponding weaknesses in Normal and Hard modes) 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 (Normal)
4 (Time Man's arrows)
4 (Glob)
4 (Normal)

Phase 2[edit | edit source]

Stun weapons: Can only be stunned by weapons that counter whatever ones he uses

This form can only be fought in Old Style and Normal and Hard difficulties in New Style. Wily Machine is flying in this form, so it can be a little hard to hit it. On Normal Wily will simply hover up and down, while on Hard he drifts back and forth when using Robot Masters weapons. Just like in first form his weakness is the weakness of the Robot Master's weapon he's using. Also, Wily Machine has a new attack that depends on your character.

If you play as Mega Man, Mega Man S or Mega Man C, the machine will gain two mechanical arms and rush towards you. To stop it, quickly hit it with the right weakness weapon, otherwise you'll take lots of damage. Note that the machine will never be on Rolling Cutter or Super Arm during this attack, because you can't hit it with the right weakness weapon.

If you play as any Robot Master, Roll or Proto Man, he'll fire energy spheres that will fly in spirallical path. If the machine is set to the right weapon (for example, if you play as Ice Man and the machine is set to Fire Storm), you can use your weapon to stun Wily. In Old Style, Wily Machine's 2nd form will ONLY use energy spheres attack.

Once you've beaten this form, there will be a cutscene where Wily tries to retreat, but he is stopped by your character. He then reels back and starts begging for mercy. After that, enjoy the credits.

Mega Buster Rolling Cutter Super Arm Ice Slasher Hyper Bomb Fire Storm Thunder Beam Time Slow Oil Slider Mega Kick Roll Swing Proto Strike
1 (Normal)
2 (Charged)
1 1 1 1 1 1 0 (Normal)
1 (Time Man's arrows)
2 (Glob)
1 (Normal)
2 2 2
(for corresponding weaknesses) 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 (Normal)
4 (Time Man's arrows)
4 (Glob)
4 (Normal)