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  1. Restore Nanite Stasis Signal
  2. Defeat Nick Fury
  • Boost: Wade's 2nd Fave — defeat Nick Fury.
  • Boost: Wade's Fave — defeat Nick Fury. (Legendary)
  • Concept Art: Showdown — defeat Nick Fury.

Up the elevator[edit | edit source]

This is it: the boss fight. It starts with a ride on an elevator. But, this is an elevator where you are under constant attack. An elevator that occasionally gets hung up because enemy troops are holding it in place. This is all about persistence and having the right team. You need strong area-of-effect powers to keep the mobs off your back as much as possible. You need strong ranged powers to kill the Fold holding up the elevator every time it stops. You need strong Fusions to clear the swarms on a regular basis.

Hopefully, by this point in the game, you've figured out a team that works well for you. For example, Jean Grey, Storm, Iceman and Juggernaut – three types of elemental damage, strong Fusions and 15% Stamina boost.

At the top of the elevator, take out Tinkerer, which you can do with your pinky finger. Step up to the console and activate it. Now you have to defend it for one minute against swarms of Fold. Hold out for a minute and all the Fold go limp, then comes the big boss.

Nick Fury[edit | edit source]

Fold Fury has a few tricks up his sleeve; but, when you get right down to it, this is a typical boss battle. You want to take potshots at him until you earn a Fusion Star; then, hit him with a Targeted Fusion.

However, there are a few other things you'll have to do. First, keep moving and try not to get face-to-face with Fury. Most of his attacks come from the front and if you're to his side, he'll miss. Second, hold your Fusions until he stands still. He races across the arena and then suddenly pauses to fire. Hit him during that pause.

Third, Fury switches up his attacks. He has the powers of many of the other heroes and you'll have to switch tactics. For example, at about 50% health, Fury starts using Multiple Man powers. Now, besides the comedy of a super-powerful being using this ability to make wimps of himself, this radically alters the way in which you approach the battle. Keep an eye on the big green apparition rising out of Fury for a clue of what type of attack is coming up next.

At about 40% health, Fury channels Bishop and Wonder Man. Wonder Man-Fury flits about the arena, shooting energy into Bishop-Fury, which he then projects in powerful attacks. You have to get between the two Furys and block the energy beam from Wonder Man-Fury. This sends Fury back to his previous tactics and you can start hammering him again. He'll now mix in the Bishop/Wonder Man thing with the other tactics.

Finally, at very low health, Fury channels A-Bomb and puts out a duplicate and joins himself to the duplicate with a steady stream of light. You've got to get between them and block off the stream to force them to come together in a collision. Once you do that, you can go back to attacking him "normally." One more Targeted Fusion ought to do it.

Aftermath[edit | edit source]

After the closing cutscenes, you are in Wakanda Palace as your final HQ. Save your game here and save the save. You can replay any missions from here (with the exception of the missions from whichever Registration side you did not choose) and you can use the mission briefing console to start a new game at Legendary difficulty using all your currently unlocked heroes at their current level with all their stats and boosts intact.