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Level Strike Team
Body Focus
2 5 9 7 13
33 30 48 38 50
  • Available: Find five (5) M'Kraan Fragments scattered on various maps.
  • Flying?: Yes, continuous
Heroic Deeds
  • Defeat 50 foes (Costume)
  • Defeat 5 foes with one non-Fusion attack (Boost)
  • Perform 5 high scoring Fusions with Wolverine (Boost)

After playing as Jean Grey, you may have a hard time giving her up. Her Pyrokine Blast has great range and affects enemies in a wide arc in front of her, and knocks them back. That same power can blow up huge numbers of health containers, providing a fairly constant stream of red orbs to your party. Trap enemies with Retraining Wave, then defeat them with Pyrokine Blast. Those that are somehow left standing can be killed with Telekinetic Grip.Also her Phoenix Fury is amazing. Immobilize foes and burn them while lifting debris. Put Jean Grey and Invisible Woman and you have a winning team going. They have simmilar powers and fusions, making them both nearly unstoppable. If you play co-op with both of them, you'll clear rooms easy with lots of damage. You will never regret playing as Jean.

Add in her ability to self-resurrect (which doesn't count as a "revival" for those awards) and her high Teamwork score – making her an excellent partner for any kind of Fusion – and Jean is a nearly indispensable hero on your team. She is one of the three characters that hit more than once in her targeted fusions, scoring great damage.

Powers[edit | edit source]

Telekinetic Grip[edit | edit source]

Grab enemies with telekinesis then throw them.

Restraining Wave[edit | edit source]

Immobilizes foes by holding them in a telekinetic trap.

Pyrokine Blast[edit | edit source]

Manifest a searing wave of psionic energy.

Requires level 5.

Phoenix's Fury[edit | edit source]

Rapidly burns foes held immobile by telekinesis.

Requires level 10.

Abilities[edit | edit source]

Resurrection[edit | edit source]

Uncanny X-Man[edit | edit source]

Psionic Mastery[edit | edit source]

Requires Pro-Reg. Raise Damage for all power attacks

Combat Rush[edit | edit source]

Requires Pro-Reg. Gain stamina for every defeated foe

Fiery Strikes[edit | edit source]

Requires Anti-Reg. Add fire dame to melee attack

No Mercy[edit | edit source]

Requires Anti-Reg. Gain extra hit point when defeating foes