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  1. Reach the Portal Room
  2. Defeat Penance
  3. Transmit S.H.I.E.L.D. Nanite Network Logs
  • M'Kraan Fragment: Inside cell on first level of cell block.
  • Body Upgrade: Inside cell on second level of cell block.
  • Audio Log: Speedball News Report II — inside cell on ground level of cell block.
  • Dossier: Negative Zone — inside bleachers in gym.
  • Dossier: Prison 42 — inside bleachers in gym.
  • Boost: Experienced III — in first room after portal control room.
  • Boost: Devouring I — in second room after the portal control room.

To the gym[edit | edit source]

You start on the upper ramparts of the prison wall. Follow the path around, beating soldiers until you come to a closed door. A giant robot jumps down and must be put down before the door will open and you can get inside the prison.

You're in the cell block area and you just follow the walkways. Along the way you will see collectibles inside cells. Blow out the doors of the cell next to where you see the collectible and then break through the intervening wall. There are three levels to the cell block area. When you reach the lowest (ground) level, go down another ramp and activate the panel on the far wall to open the door into the gymnasium.

You'll have a little meeting with Maria Hill; then, you'll be swarmed by S.H.I.E.L.D. troopers. Since this is a gym, you'll find bleachers along the walls and a couple of collectibles hidden inside the bleachers. Finally, after a few waves of soldiers, a giant robot drops in and taking him out opens the way further into the prison.

Penance[edit | edit source]

Go up the ramp, beat the soldiers in the control room and watch the cutscene with Iron Man and Penance. After clearing out the control room, go down the side ramp into a room with a bunch of soldiers and two turrets on the far wall. Defeat the soldiers and destroy the turrets to open the force field into the next room. Before going, there's a Boost on the left side of this first room. Go into the next room, clear out the soldiers and the turrets to open the force field and collect a Boost from the right side of the room.

Go up the ramp that had been blocked by a force field and have the easiest boss "fight" of the game. Hill gives up without a fight! Now, you have to turn around and fight your way back to the portal control room. You can now activate the control panel and open a door to the portal and a real boss fight with Penance.

Penance will seem like an easy fight. He gets no help and his attacks aren't particularly damaging. When he gets below 25% health, the prisoners around the room get loose and beat him up for you, then turn on you. They're just regular mobs, though, so they'll go down easily. Go to the control panel in the portal room and activate it to move on to the next mission.