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Level Strike Team
Body Focus
2 9 2 9 9
31 41 31 44 29
  • Available: After choosing Anti-Registration; or, after the first chapter of Act III if you choose Pro-Registration.
  • Flying?: No
Heroic Deeds
  • Use Healing Hand 100 times (Boost)
  • Defeat 50 foes after choosing Anti-Reg (Costume)
  • Perform 5 high scoring Fusions with Luke Cage (Boost)

Iron Fist is an average character for two reasons: Dragon Fist cuts through shielded enemies and Healing Hand is extremely useful keeping your team alive. For those reasons, you may want to have him tagging along as an AI companion; however, he's definitely weak as the main character. Despite his higher Body score, he tends to take damage in big chunks and you're forced to use Healing Hand more than you would like. Keeping him as an AI player keeps the mobs from focusing their fire on him and makes him the "team doctor" for when you're in trouble and lacking in Health Tokens.

Powers[edit | edit source]

Dragon Fist[edit | edit source]

Radial Palm[edit | edit source]

Eagle's Dive[edit | edit source]

Requires level 5.

Healing Hand[edit | edit source]

Requires level 10.

Abilities[edit | edit source]

Precise Strikes[edit | edit source]

Focused Chi[edit | edit source]

Martial Artist[edit | edit source]

Requires Anti-Reg.

Hero for Hire[edit | edit source]

Requires Anti-Reg.

Fists of Iron[edit | edit source]

Requires Anti-Reg.

Agile Technique[edit | edit source]

Requires Anti-Reg.