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  1. Collect Pure Nanite Sample
  2. Disable the Decontamination Beams
  3. Return to the Elevator
  • Boost: Resist Cold I — defeat Equinox.
  • Boost: Disruption III — defeat Equinox. (Legendary)
  • Body Upgrade: Side room outside Equinox battle arena.
  • Boost: Resist Impact II — side room outside Equinox battle arena.
  • Audio Log: Nanite Injection Training — first side room on your right where you dodge the moving force beams.
  • M'Kraan Fragment: First side room on your right where you dodge the moving force beams.
  • Dossier: S.H.I.E.L.D. Nanite Network — first side room on your left where you dodge moving force beams.
  • Dossier: Superhuman Inmates — second side room on your right where you dodge moving force beams.
  • Asgardian Rune: Second side room on your left where you dodge moving force beams.

Defeat your enemies[edit | edit source]

You drop right into the middle of a group of soldiers; no time to catch your breath. After the soldiers, robots swarm into the room for quite a while. When you finally see soldiers again, you can begin to relax as the waves of enemies are over for a bit. The human soldiers kindly left the door open; so, head out that way.

You'll be greeted by two big robots, which may take a while to destroy. You have limited maneuverability; the use of Targeted Fusions is recommended as they have little room to maneuver as well. Once the robot mini-bosses have blown up, you will have to wait a moment before the door to the next room opens and a few soldiers spill through.

Run into the next room and clear out the soldiers. There are also laser turrets in each corner of the room. When the soldiers are down, Equinox is released from the nanite injection chamber and you get to fight him.

Equinox[edit | edit source]

Equinox can use both heat and cold attacks and he's pretty strong. He has a multiple-shot flame arc, a strong ice blast, a combination heat/cold radial move that sends out four lines along cardinal points and flaming and icy explosions around himself. In short, there's no way to avoid getting hit. Cold and fire damage resistance Boosts are recommended to make the fight easier; but, in the end, it once again comes down to how quickly you can build up Fusion Stars and use a Targeted Fusion on him.

Battle your way back to where you started. As you leave the room where you fought Equinox, you'll see you can now access the side rooms where you can pick up a Body Upgrade and a Boost. Fight your way across the elevator room where you began the level and leave through the opposite door.

Get the nanites[edit | edit source]

As you enter the hall, moving force beams come down the hall and you're limited in your forward movement by force fields. You have to work your way around by going into side rooms to dodge the beams, going around a force field and then dodging back through the hall to a side room and repeating the process.

First, dodge the beams by running into the side room to your right. This room contains an Audio Log and a M'Kraan Fragment. Dodge across the hall and pick up a Dossier (as well as fight a few mobs). Watch the moving beams; then, dodge across the hall in a gap between the beams and clear out some more soldiers and collect another Dossier. Once more dodge the beams and go across the hall to pick up an Asgardian Rune. In this room is a control panel that, when activated, turns off the force beams and opens the door in the main hall.

The final room has a couple of shielded soldiers and a bunch of robots in it, which should be cake for you by now. Clear the mobs; then, stand next to the nanite injection chamber and activate it to get a pure sample. All heck then breaks loose and you have to get back to the elevator. No one's going to get in your way, so hightail it to the next mission.