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Scrap yard[edit | edit source]

Josef is dumped into the scrap yard, and needs to reassemble himself.

  • Use the bathtub twice, then use your body twice. Use the robot head to connect it to the body.
  • You may speak with the rodent to learn that you need to find a doll. To collect it, extend your body, grab the doll, and give it to the rodent. The rodent will give you your leg.
  • Get the magnet, then attach it to the string.
  • Walk to the spool, and get the string from the spool.
  • Walk over to the pole, and activate it to push it. Toss the string to the pole, to collect your arm.

Bridge[edit | edit source]

Entrance to the city is blocked by a checkpoint. Only the police can enter, but a disguise can word easily.

  • Get the traffic cone, and toss the other cones to the side. get the blue paint.
  • Dump the blue paint in the white paint bucket, and dip the cone in as well.
  • Climb the lamp on the left. Move the rungs upward as you climb. At the top, collect the bulb.
  • Use the bulb and cone on Josef to wear them.
  • Extend your body, and pull the cord to call the guard and lower the bridge.

Lower door[edit | edit source]

The bridge was a bit too slippery, but there"s still an alternate entry.

  • Lower your body, and use the control panel next to the door. Turn the dials to A and 2. Click the red button to adjust the position of the pipe above.
  • Climb the stairs. Get the hook and attach it to the railing.
  • Raise your body, jump up, and shimmy to the right. Get the spike.
  • Place the spike on the outer rail, and push the railing (which bumps into the switch) to call and derail a cart. Use the derailed cart to extract wheels then sit on them. Push the railing again for another cart which then brings you into the reactor room.

Boiler room[edit | edit source]

  • Press red button (in the middle) to open a control panel.
  • Get the key from the right hand side next to the door.
  • Set the panel to first cycle, then collect, then cycle (that is, down, up, down.)
  • Timed section: Press the button, bring your body to normal size, and enter the cart. If you"re too late, press the button again.
  • When you are pulled up, click on the left platform. If too late, you"ll safely jump out of the boiler as soon as you enter.
  • Use the key to unlock the left electrical panel. Rewire the blue connection, and jump back down.
  • Press the button again, revert your body shape, and re-enter the cart. Exit through the large upper pipe.

Prison[edit | edit source]

After a scene where you watch two baddies preparing a bomb, you are thrown into a prison.

  • Get the grass on the pipe. Head towards the light on the left, raise your body, and dry the grass on the light.
  • Get the toilet paper, combine it with the grass, and give it to the other prisoner. He will drop his arm.
  • Use the arm in the hole on the left, then extend the arm through the back hole. Grab the shelf and shake it to get the broom.
  • On the right, use the pipe"s handle twice to detach it. Connect it to the broom, and unscrew the floor plate.

Prison - Guard room[edit | edit source]

  • Unscrew the floor panel with the broom.
  • Activate the chair: when the guard tips back, Josef will push the chair knocking the guard down.
  • Timed: While the guard is down, get the bullets from the plate.
  • Timed: When the guard is at the target, grab his key, and scatter bullets next to the lock. Exit the hole, use the key on the left lock, and return to the hole.
  • Exit the room via the upper door. You may trip over the ball bearings, if so, just return through the doorway you flew from.

Prison - Completion[edit | edit source]

  • In the upper floor, press the light switch next to the door. Note the revealed time on the clock, 4:45.
  • Go down the stairs and return to the prison rooms on the left.
  • In the left door, enter 4:45 in the keypad.
    • Open the safe. This requires solving a puzzle where you rotate rings of green/red lights, but the puzzle is randomized. The objective is to get all green lights in the middle, although some starting positions may mean it"s easier to get the red lights on the outside. When it is open, you will receive a grapple launcher. If the puzzle is too difficult you can abort and retry for a new puzzle layout. There is also a website that can generate solutions.
  • In the middle room, get the plunger that"s found on the ceiling.

Outside - ground floor[edit | edit source]

  • Push the two crates to the left, first by approaching them on the right and clicking twice.
  • Go to the control panel. Clock yellow arrow, then two red arrows, three yellow arrows, three red, and continue until you get all arrows in position. Pull the lever to get one crate out of the way.
  • Push the crate to the right, until it is underneath the ladder.
  • Climb the ladder and in the control booth, press the right button 4 times, then the green arrow button to move the oil canister into position. Click the red oil button to attract the dog, then climb down.
  • Attach the plunger to the grapple, then use the grapple at the dog. Bring it to the woman to get the umbrella.
  • Use the umbrella to get through the waterfall, and climb up the steps.

City - band[edit | edit source]

  • Enter the bar to the right.
  • Get the fly trap.
  • Speak with the robot at the table, and play Five-in-a-row. This AI is susceptible to building a diagonal grid, but as a weak AI, it can miss other tricks as well. When it is defeated, it will scatter some screws around. Collect them.
  • Exit the bar, and use the fly trap on the flies near the sewage drain.
  • Re-Enter the bar, and release the flies by placing them on the barkeeper.
  • Drag the barrel outside.
  • Give the five screws to the saxophonist. You can now collect the plant.
  • Nothing else to do right now - climb up the stairs for two screens.

City - Plaza[edit | edit source]

  • Take the handle at the bottom of the plaza. Place it in the hole near the clock.
  • The three signs:
    • Infinity sign: Inner arrow is at the top, at the two-facing triangles, or in the circle with a dot. Outer arrow is at VII
    • Lunar sign: Inner arrow at Pi, The Branching path, or squiggly. Outer is at IX.
    • Star sign: Squiggly, at VI. The crossed out entry does nothing visible. It is visible if you set the clock to Infinity.
  • Set the clock to Squiggly VI (to match the Star sign - black arrow to the left, red arrow down), and enter the right-hand stairs. Get the microphone.
  • Speak with the old man to get an oil can. You can get two drops from the bridge outside the city, which can be done later.
  • Ascend the stairs on the left.

City - Arcade[edit | edit source]

  • Open the electrical panel. Try to solve the puzzle, but a piece falls out and is eaten by the bird.
  • Head to the left near the arcade. Raise and lower your body until the wire snaps, causing the bird to fall, and to drop the piece.
  • Tie the electrical wire to the fence.
  • Climb the robot, and unplug his tool. When you fall, pull the loose wire.
  • After the robot moves to the next set of wires, climb him again. Pull the cat"s tail. When it reaches the fence, cut the power from the puzzle, then get the cat. Bring it to the musicians outside the bar, where the cat chases out a rodent. The lady will then be frustrated again and throw the radio out the window. Collect the radio and combine it with the microphone.
  • While there, you can also head to the doorway left of the musicians to get the oil. Return to the old man to get unto the maintenance area. He also asks for sunflower oil as well, and moves his wheelchair off the cover.

City - water works[edit | edit source]

You need three wrenches to cut flow to the fountain.

  • At the maze of pipes, get the hook in the middle.
  • Open the drawer to the right to read the book - the final page has a red wrench.
  • Head to the drain on the lower left, and pull the third wrench out with the hook.
  • At the maze of pipes, put two wrenches on the left two in the upper row, and the second slot in the lower row. This cuts flow to all but two pipes.
  • Plug in the radio to the right. Ask the wrench to flood the lower portion of the room.
  • Return to the plaza, and jump in the fountain. This leads to a lift on the outer wall.

Outer wall[edit | edit source]

You can reach the top part of the city, getting closer to the tower.

  • Get on the elevator, and press the button to bring it down.
  • Check the window - you will see Berta, who was kidnapped by the Brotherhood.
  • Have Berta remove the pot and place it on the floor. Open the cabinet, and place the corn on the hot plate.
  • This dislodges a hooked rod. Take it and put it in the window.
  • Climb up, dislodge the vent, and get the frozen hose.
  • Return the pot to the stove, then put the hose in the pot to defrost it.
  • Attach the hose to the oil. This will fuel the lift. Pull the ignition to start the lift.
  • Solve the four-knights puzzle on the control panel. This is easily solved by moving all the sliders one step clockwise, and repeating the movement three more times.
  • Tap the fan to waken it. When it asks the questions, get the wrong answers to anger it. When it is too angry, it will launch the fan, allowing you to enter the greenhouse.

Greenhouse[edit | edit source]

You need to see a certain slide to get out, but there"s a bit of equipment missing.

  • Activate the power panel on the right. This is a sliding-maze puzzle, first by picking any square, then clicking one direction to slide until an obstacle.
    1. Trivially solved - pick an outer corner, and spiral inward.
    2. Start at bottom row, 4th column
    3. Start at second or fourth row, right column. Approach the upper or lower row first.
    4. Start at second row, middle column, between the two red dots. Head down first.
    5. Start at second row, second column. First move up, followed by left.
    6. Start at middle row, second column. First move down, then left.
  • Move the growth laser onto the right plant, then activate the laser by pressing the lower-left button on the power panel. Get the stick that was holding it up and use it to hold open the plant"s mouth. Get the magnifying glass that"s inside, and place it on the front of the projector.
  • Take slide set 1 from the desk and view it in the projector. One of the slides shows the combination to the door. The other slide set shows plants,
  • Place the plant in the empty flower pot, and use the growth laser on it. Shake the plant for the seeds.
  • Open the outer door. On each wing, light the inner three dots, and the two dots at the corner.

Outside greenhouse[edit | edit source]

You can see a guard upset about his toy, but you can get the necessary sunflower oil.

  • Place the oil can under the seed crusher.
  • Place the seeds in the crusher, crush them, and get the can.
  • Return to the plaza by sliding down the pipe next to the police guard. Give the can to the old man. You get the bandage, and arcade ticket. Head up the stairs and enter the arcade using the ticket.

Arcade[edit | edit source]

Solution for the block puzzle

Arcades normally cost money to play. These ones instead give money for winning.

  • Power the arcade machines by using the bicycle machine on the left. You can only charge machines #1 and #2, and the third will malfunction if charged.
  • Complete arcade game #1. This is space invaders, although the enemies don"t speed up rapidly as you eliminate them. You need to score 1000 points to win, and you can use the keyboard to play.
  • Complete arcade game #2. This is a block puzzle game, where you can push blocks by being inside them. There are five levels, and you need to get the small red block inside the large red block to unlock the exit.
    1. First level is trivial to show how the game works, bring the small block up, then push it into the large one.
    2. Move the large block left, the white block down, and the large blcok to center. Move small block into the white block, bring it up, then into the large block.
    3. Push large red block up, small red to bottom-left corner. Upper white to left, small block to middle, lower white to middle. This builds a chain for the small red into the large block. Note that you do not need to keep the blocks together once the exit is unlocked.
    4. Push large to the left, and two small blocks to the right. Large block to bottom left, then the two small blocks one step left. Load the white block onto the large red, move it up, and to the right. Push it down, and you can now move the red block into the large.
    5. Large block to top-right. Small block one left. Large red left one. Top-right block to top-left, large red right one. Small block left one. Large red left, large white right one. Lower-white up one and right two. Left-white left one, large red right one. Small red left one, right-white down one. Load small red onto white, push up, then load onto large red. Exit.
  • Completing both games will dispense coins. At the plaza, purchase two batteries from the vending machine with the two coins. Wrap them with the bandage.
  • Return to the elevator via the fountain. You will need to refuel it with help from the Berta. Once at the top, give the battery to the large cop. Press the button next to the door, and enter.

Elevator[edit | edit source]

To get to the top of the tower.

  • Scrape dirt from the plant onto the floor.
  • Timed: Get the vacuum. It will drop one of the light plugs.
  • Put the light plug into the elevator panel in the top-right corner, and draw a 5-pointed star (visible if you push the branch to the side). Exit the elevator.

Bomb Disarming[edit | edit source]

There"s a bomb still ticking away, and it needs to be disarmed.

  • Turn on electricity by clicking on the powerbox next to the toilet door.
  • Head to the left, push the switch down twice to bring the vacuum to the washroom.
  • Head to the right, climb the vacuum and get the scissors.
  • Head to the left, push the switch up to place the vacuum under the light.
  • Toggle the power on the right.
  • Climb the vacuum, cut the cable.
  • Turn the power back on.
  • Have the vacuum re-enter the bathroom. Follow it.
  • Attach the hook to the vacuum, then to the toilet.
  • Pull the vacuum forward to detach the toilet.
  • Use the paper dispenser to reach the bomb.
  • To disarm, follow the wires from the top to bottom, and place the correct fuse in each slot to match the numbers on the right. The disarm code is DBEAC. If you run out of time, the game will reset before you made the attempt allowing you to try again.
  • When the bomb is disarmed, you can now reach the control room at the top.

Control room[edit | edit source]

The big brained robot is shaking, as if infected by a virus.

Solution for the snake puzzle
  • Open the left cabinet. You need to solve two snake puzzles to unlock it.
  • Get the cable. Attach it to the central robot.
  • In the maze mini-game, head right at the first junction, then left and down. This leads to the key, which allows you to unlock the weapon.
  • When you defeat all enemies, the robot will direct you to the basement, describing the eight-pointed star.

Basement[edit | edit source]

The basement is below the bar, where the Brotherhood is hiding, and it"s now time to rescue Berta.

  • Use the hammer to smash the window and get the key.
  • Use the key in the elevator to get a freeze spray.
  • Freeze the padlock under the trap door.
  • Smash the lock.

Escape[edit | edit source]

It"s time to escape the city.

  • In the control room, use the radio (the device with the orange screen) to locate frequency 7.0 : 108. Memorize the song. If you cannot hear the song, you can still get the code by heading outside, and using the walkthrough button to obtain the code.
  • Head outside. Enter the same song on the left panel - 1423523.
  • Timed: Have Berta rotate the handle to lock the steps in place.
  • Board the helicopter to complete the game.