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knife:This weapon increases your damage and you can throw it to hit enemies at range

baseball bat:This weapon increases your range and damage, it also makes it possible to hit more then one enemy in one slam

scythe:You can knock down an enemy with one hit if you use this weapon

ice sword:This sword can only be created by Freeze. It increases your range and damage, it also makes it possible to hit more then one enemy in one slam. If you are damaged by the sword you will be freezed

baseball:This weapon increases your range

boomerangThis weapon increases your damage and range. If you throw it and you miss it will return and flew a second time to hit the enemy

crate:You can knockdown a group of enemies with this thing but it makes you pretty slow and you can"t jump with it

rock:You can knockdown a group of enemies with this thing but it makes you pretty slow and you can"t jump with it. It"s stronger then a Crate

louis"s armor:This piece of armor arises when Louis turns into Louis Ex. You can knockdown a group of enemies with this thing but it makes you pretty slow and you can"t jump with it. It"s stronger then a Stone

beer:This is not really a weapon. Drinking this thing recovers your mana very fast

milk:This is not really a weapon. Drinking this thing recovers your health and mana