The seventh world has some new enemies, but they don't attack any differently than the previous enemies. Focus yourself on evading the new fire turrets that even appear in gaps.
Stage 1[edit | edit source]
Jump quickly over the series of small gaps before finally launching across an extremely large gap. The enemies won't be so persistent here, so focus your attention on the turrets.
Stage 2[edit | edit source]
A bonus jetpack is available in this stage. The flying Alien Babies sliding robots sliding shouldn't give you too much trouble, and there are no gaps to jump.
Stage 3[edit | edit source]
You can find a second bonus jetpack here. You'll start out going through a lot of turrets, then a series of quick-jump gaps filled with enemies, followed by a huge gap.
Note: When you attempt to jump over the huge gap, you can make use of the Super Coil before it. If you don't, you can still survive the jump and meet the boss area before falling in the hole if your timing is just right.
Boss[edit | edit source]
As a step up from the last boss, this quickly moving, damage resistant boss must be defeated four times. It is so resistant to damage that you may fear running out of time on the clock before you can fully defeat the boss. Focus on shooting the head for a faster chance of success.