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Box artwork for Guided Missile.
Box artwork for Guided Missile.
Guided Missile
Developer(s)Midway Games
Publisher(s)Midway Games, Taito Corporation
Year released1977
ModesSingle player, Multiplayer
LinksGuided Missile ChannelSearchSearch

Guided Missile, also known as Missile-X, is a fixed shooter arcade game that had been released by Midway Games in 1977 and licensed to Taito Corporation for Japanese manufacture and distribution; it utilizes an Intel 8080 microprocessor (running at 1.9968 MHz), and the players must use a button to launch missiles at various targets that are moving across the screen. Once a missile has reached the top of the screen, it will start descending - and you will have to push the 2-way joystick left (and right) to aim it towards the targets. As with many other early Midway games the gameplay is time-based as opposed to life-based; and it will also get extended if you manage to score a certain amount of points before the timer runs out. The Taito Corporation version of this title also has a different score display.