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Level 2 - Turtle Village (02:15) - Watch a short video walkthrough of this stage.

Drop down to the right and take down on the Red Heninger. You can knock him down the hole to the left if you wish. After this a Red Longmoan comes from the left, so deal with him in the same way if you wish. If you want to be really crafty you can run away from the enemy, making him use a dash attack, and then jump as he reaches you, resulting in him throwing himself off the edge.

Anyway, continue onwards and immediately pull upwards into the small indent. This is because a Red Heninger and Red Longmoan will now appear on opposite sides of the screen and try to pin you down. Hiding in this cleft will force them to walk up to you, letting you use a spinning attack or whatever to defeat them. Head on into the village itself.

Some villagers run by screaming, chased by a Storchinaya riding a Blue Dragon, flanked by a Dark Green Heninger and a second Storchinaya. This is a fairly good Bizarrian to have, so either grab it or else avoid its attacks. Continue onwards and grab the three pots from the Blue Thief. Up next is a boss fight of sorts, so having this Bizarrian will help.

Immediately attack the Dark Green Heninger and kill him, then try to get rid of the two Strobayas one at a time. They won"t move for a few seconds, so if you kill the Dark Heninger as quickly as possible you can get a few cheap hits before they react.

Move forward again. A Lemanaya on a Red Dragon will ride up, followed by a Lemanaya on foot and a Skeleton. Lemanayas are tough, and the Skeleton is speedy. The Red Dragon has a ranged attack, which is either a good thing or a bad thing depending on your opinion. Because the Bizarrian pauses while spitting it"s possible to jump its attack and take it down. If you are in trouble you can use magic, but it might not be necessary.

Bonus Stage[edit | edit source]

Yet again, a Blue Thief steals two of your magic pots and provides you with three more, and hit the Green Thief for some meat (which heals you).

Map[edit | edit source]

Now the map shows that Turtle Village moves, and has taken you south.