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Click here for more information about Bob's other fighting game appearances.

Bob Wilson (ボブ・ウィルソン) is a cheerful young man who loves to combine dancing with his Brazilian style of Capoeira, often seeking to test his skills out against many fighters so that he can learn the benefits and mistakes of his battles.

Story (in the Fatal Fury Saga)[edit | edit source]

Bob Wilson was one of Richard Meyer's best students. He not only studied Capoeira under him, but also helped in managing the Pao Pao Café.

Bob entered the King of Fighters tournament to prove his skills against seasoned fighters, and also to stop the Jin Twins after they wrecked Richard's Pao Pao Café 2 during the grand opening. Bob's story continues in his Real Bout profile.

Moves[edit | edit source]

Fatal Fury 3[edit | edit source]

Name Input
Falcon close,
Hornet Attack
Perform right after Falcon animation starts
Falcon, then
Ringsu Fang
Perform right after Falcon animation is finished
Falcon, then
Sliding Headbutt
Jump Under Kick close,
Bob Somersault (while recovering)
Rolling Turtle or
Wild Wolf
Bison Horn
Dangerous Wolf
Hidden Desperation
Dangerous Bob