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Rough Map
Settlement -- Nuclear Plant
Notable Areas
  1. Gecko Settlement
    1. Harold's office
    2. The Harp
  2. Gecko Nuclear Reactor
  3. Gecko Junkyard
    1. Survival Gear store
    2. Skeeter's garage
Notable Characters
  1. Harold, the old ghoul who has a pseudo-mayorial position
  2. Lenny, another NPC whom you can pick up
  3. Wooz, he sells Booze at the Harp
  4. Jeremy, he's in charge of the parts department
  5. Skeeter, he owns the repair shop in the Junkyard
  6. Percy, he owns the Survival Gear Locker shop in the Junkyard
  1. Offer to find the Hydroelectric Magnetosphere for Gecko.
  2. Give Skeeter a three-step plasma transformer from Jeremy.
  3. Offer to find Woody the ghoul for Percy.
  4. Find a Super Tool Repair Kit for Skeeter.
Quest Experience/Reward Table
  • Give Skeeter the three-step plasma transformer: 350 xp

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Gecko is a community inhabited by ghouls. Its economy relies on a cranky nuclear reactor that is contaminating the local water supply, which coincidentally is used by Vault City.

Details[edit | edit source]

When you enter Gecko, go to a bit to the north and enter the building which reads "manager's office." Enter the building, and examine the desk, and take the two clipboards. Also, examine the shelf on the left hall to find a book about science.

NPC Information - Lenny
With 129 hit points, Lenny easily is the most durable out of all of the other NPC's. He can also heal you, for his forte is the Doctor skill. He says that he can use SMG's and pistols, and he is okay at best with an H&K G11/G11E or the .223 Pistol. He's not really worth having in the long run, however.

While you're in the building, talk to the ghoul (Harold) who is in the primary room, beside the desk. Ask him what does he do here, and then he'll mention that the reactor isn't working well and that he needs a Hydroelectric Magnetosphere. If you talk to the ghoul on his left (Lenny), you can pick up another NPC. He can also heal you, if necessary. Head east to the Nuclear Plant.

Once in the plant, head a bit to the north and a ways east, and enter the room with a ghoul behind a room that has lockers. Talk to the ghoul (his description says that he has a shaved head) and tell him that you have something to pick up. Ask for a three-step plasma transformer, and give him the part request form (one of the items on the clipboard) that you found earlier. Leave the room, and go a bit to the east and enter the room a bit to the south with a rusted locker. Open it and take the yellow keycard out. Leave the room, and head to the southern part of the reactor. Put the keycard in one of your active item slots and open the yellow door. After you get past that level of security, go to the room with a shelf. Examine the shelf and get the red key card and put it in your item slot (remove the yellow card).

Now, make your way to the east and talk to Festus, the ghoul in the southeasternmost room. Tell him that the reactor isn't running very well, and then tell him that Vault City is complaining about the groundwater problem. He'll say that nothing is wrong. Anyways, leave the reactor and go to the Junkyard, to the north.

When you get there, go to the Survival Gear center, and talk to the shopkeeper. Ask him what is going on, and he'll mention that his friend Woody is missing. Offer to find Woody for him. Also, go to the northwest and enter the big building. Talk to the ghoul there, and he'll offer to fix up one of your weapons for finding a three-step plasma transformer. Right now, get the speed loader for the .44 magnum pistol that you might have; another option is to upgrade the ammo magazine for the assault rifle. After you've gotten your upgrade, leave for Vault City.