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The endings will vary depending on the quests that you've chosen. If you've followed the route in the walkthrough, this is what will happen:

  • The Dwellers from Vault 13 and Arroyo create a community together using the G.E.C.K.
  • Slavery has been eradicated from the Den because of Metzger's and Mordino's death.
  • Modoc becomes a strong farming village.
  • Vault City, now free from the raiders and the N.C.R, captures Gecko because of the optimized nuclear reactor there. The ghouls are now treated as slaves by Vault City.
  • New Reno is controlled by the Wright family. They destroy more than half of the town by killing the remaining crime families.
  • Myron dies about a year after you destroyed the Enclave.
  • Broken Hills disbands because the uranium supply is extinguished.
  • Redding is now annexed by N.C.R because you sold the mine chip to Marge LaBarge, a prominent N.C.R supporter. Redding also becomes far more productive because jet has been virtually eliminated from that town.
  • N.C.R fully annexes Vault 15 because of your support.
  • The Shi build a new empire in the San Francisco bay area after the death of the Hubologists.