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The two primary attributes strength and skill affect your characters size and height, as well as your basic health and killing ability, will grants you new abilities and also changes your appearance. On a final note, the totals on some abilities will vary due to the alignment penalties and reductions, the total experience need to max all stats and abilities will be very close to the number below.

To max all stats and abilities you need = 1,908,400 experience.

Strength[edit | edit source]

Knights, Barbarians, and Paladins

Putting points into the three Strength skills adds bulk (muscle) to your Character, as well as adds chest, arm and back hair. Physique makes you deal more damage with each melee hit. Health increases your Health. Toughness increases your natural armour, making you take less damage when struck by magic, ranged or melee attacks.

To max all 3 stats you need = 351,950 experience.

  • Physique: Increases your melee damage.
  • Health: Enables you to take more damage. Adds to your health.
  • Toughness: Enables you take more damage. Protects your health.
Lvl Exp Needed
1 500
2 1,200
3 3,000
4 9,000
5 24,000
6 45,000
7 86,000
TOTAL 168,700
Lvl Exp Needed
1 400
2 1,000
3 2,500
4 6,000
5 13,500
6 28,000
7 58,000
TOTAL 109,400
Lvl Exp Needed
1 350
2 900
3 1,800
4 4,800
5 9,000
6 19,000
7 38,000
TOTAL 73,850

Skill[edit | edit source]

Thieves and Archers

To max all stats, experience needed: 330 900

  • Speed: Increases your melee and missile attack rate.
  • Accuracy: Increases bow and crossbow damage.
  • Guile: Allows you to get better deals when buying and selling items.
Lvl Exp Needed
1 350
2 800
3 1800
4 4600
5 8700
6 21,400
7 42,000
TOTAL 79,650
Lvl Exp Needed
1 400
2 1100
3 2900
4 8000
5 20,500
6 39,000
7 81,000
TOTAL 152,900
Lvl Exp Needed
1 350
2 900
3 2200
4 5000
5 10,500
6 27,400
7 52,000
TOTAL 98,350

Will[edit | edit source]


Putting points into Will turns your hair grey (faster than just age) and adds rune like markings on your body. These tattoo's, as some people call them, turn blue with more and more Will points spent. Magic Power increases your maximum magic.

To max all abilities and magic power you need = 1,225,550 experience.

  • Will: Increases your Magic Power, which is used to cast spells.
Magic Power
Lvl Exp Needed
1 500
2 1,200
3 2,800
4 6,200
5 11,500
6 25,000
7 54,000
TOTAL 101,200