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Menus[edit | edit source]

Controls Usage
Neutral lstick Navigate menus.

Ground Mission[edit | edit source]

Press Select button to mount the dragon.

Controls Usage
Neutral lstick Aim/turn the dragon. Press Neutral lstick to toggle enemy health bars.
Neutral rstick Press to view menus.
Cross button Attack. Tap to perform a "combo" (defined sequence of attacks).

Aerial Mission[edit | edit source]

Controls Usage
Neutral lstick Angle dragon. Up tilts the dragon upwards, down tilts downards, left turns left, right turns right.
Cross button Dash towards the crosshairs.
Square button Breathe fire. Press to fire a single fireball in the direction the dragon is facing (where the crosshairs are). Hold Square button and move the crosshairs over enemies to charge up multiple homing shots (for each fireball, a circle will appear). The number of shots able to be fired is determined by the dragon's evolution.
Triangle button Unleash an ultimate attack. Many homing projectiles will be fired at random targets.
Circle button Toggle between free flying and target mode. This affects the dragon's ability to maneuver and easily attack a target.
R1 button Dash strafe right.
L1 button Dash strafe left.
R2 button Auto-pilot the dragon to turn towards the currently assigned target. Targets are assigned manually by pointing towards them (often the closest enemy).
L1 button R1 button Do a U-turn. The dragon will abruptly turn around in place.
Start button Pause

Weapon Combos[edit | edit source]

Controls Usage
Square button Single Hit
Square button Square button Double Hit / Combo 1
Square button Square button Square button Triple Hit / Combo 2
Square button Square button Triangle button Special Attack (Hammer Blade)
Hold Up dpad, then Square button Special Attack 2 (Speed Stab)