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The Digivolution system of this game is the same as the one for the v-pet and pendulum Digivices.

Buy the free egg from shop to get Version 1 Egg. Other eggs unlock as you defeat the Virus, Data, and Vaccine arena.

Botamon[edit | edit source]

The first Digimon you will get. Whether you train it or not he will always digivolve to Koromon.

Koromon[edit | edit source]

This is the digimon that is the hardest to train. Eventually you will end up with Betamon.

Betamon[edit | edit source]

This is the digivolution form of Koromon. Evolves with 4 Care Mistakes

Agumon[edit | edit source]

This is the digivolution form of Koromon. Evolves with less than 3 Care Mistakes.

=Greymon[edit | edit source]

Evolution from Agumon only with 0-3 Care Mistakes, Train 32

Tyranomon[edit | edit source]

Agumon: 4 Care Mistakes, Train 5-15, Overfeed 3 , 0-4 Sleep Disturbances

Punimon[edit | edit source]

The second digimon you can buy it in shop for 100 bits. Can digivolve to Tsunomon.

Tsunomon[edit | edit source]

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Numemon[edit | edit source]

The worst digimon you could ever possibly get. It's a rookie with powers of a weak champion.

Care mistakes[edit | edit source]

  1. If you don't feed it for 20 minutes when it calls you.
  2. If you don't train it (or feed it pills) for 20 minutes when it calls you.
  3. Leaving the lights on for 20 minutes after the Digimon falls asleep.

Sleep Disturbance[edit | edit source]

  1. Different from care mistakes, a few digimon need to be disturbed while sleeping many times to digivolve (such as Airdramon).