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Once Vanguard's fuel meter has been emptied for a second time, Maiheriko will rise into the air from its second launching pad, and start moving forward of its own accord as three groups of four Boeings come flying towards it; once you have fired a bullet at each of them to kill them, six more groups of two more Boeings will come flying into view from the left side of the screen before flying directly towards you. Once you have fired a bullet at each of them to kill them, two more groups of four more Boeings will rise into the air from the ocean below, and fly towards you - and once you have dropped bomb upon or fired a bullet at each of them to kill them, a ninth group of four more Boeings will come flying towards you. Once you have fired a bullet at both of them to kill them, a tenth and final group of four more Boeings will come flying into view from the left side of the screen before flying directly towards you; once you have fired a bullet at each of these to kill them (you may have noticed that every enemy on this mission was a Boeing), Maiheriko will descend down to its second landing pad (where Vanguard has reappeared adjacent to it in its normal shot incarnation for a second time in the game), as the latter's fuel meter is refilled for a second time (Maiheriko's rotor will again momentarily disappear at this point) before it starts moving forward again for the third time.