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Wii U GamePad / Pro Controller Wii Classic Controller Nintendo Switch Control
Type A Type B Type C Type D Type A Type B Type C Type D Type A Type B Type C Type D
Neutral Lstick Neutral lstick Neutral Lstick Character movement
Neutral Rstick Neutral rstick Neutral Rstick Camera
B Button B button B Button Jump. Hold to extend, press in midair for double jump.
Y Button Y button Y Button Interact/Shoot
X Button X button X Button Punch. Hold to shoot hand guns.
A Button A button A Button Kick. Hold to shoot heel guns.
ZR Button ZR Button R Button ZL Button Zr button Zr button R button Zl button ZR Button ZR Button R Button ZL Button Dodge. Engage Witch Time with proper timing.
R Button ZL Button ZR Button L Button R button Zl button Zr button L button R Button ZL Button ZR Button L Button Swap weapons
Neutral Dpad Neutral dpad Neutral Dpad Use item assigned to that direction
Down Dpad Down dpad Down Dpad Taunt
ZL Button R Button L Button ZR Button Zl button R button L button Zr button ZL Button R Button L Button ZR Button Lock On
L Button L Button ZL Button R Button L button L button Zl button R button L Button L Button ZL Button R Button Umbran Climax
Minus Button Minus button Minus Button Game Menu. If in practice mode, holds it there.
Plus Button Plus button Plus Button Pause Menu