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Box artwork for Aquaria.
Box artwork for Aquaria.
Year released2007
System(s)Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS
Genre(s)Action-adventure, Puzzle
ModesSingle player
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LinksOfficial websiteAquaria at PCGamingWikiAquaria ChannelSearchSearch

Aquaria is an action-adventure puzzle game released by Alec Halowka and Derek Yu (creator of other indie games such as Eternal Daughter and the satirical Jack Thompson-inspired I'm OK.) The game is about Naija, a lost underwater merwoman tired of being alone and in search of what happened to the beings who used to populate the underwater kingdom of Aquaria. Aquaria won the IGF Award for best game 2007.

The game was released on December 7, 2007. It was originally planned to be released sometime in the spring of 2007, but was pushed back until winter to iron out bugs and polish the gameplay. The game also comes with a mod editor, allowing gamers to create their own Aquaria adventures.

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