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Race Mode[edit | edit source]

Time: 60 seconds (1:00)
Record: 1'00"765 (1st checkpoint), 1'52"765 (2nd checkpoint), 2'20"765 (finish line)

Once your chosen skier has jumped out of a helicopter (interspersed by the appearance of the numbers 3, 2, and 1 on the screen) and landed at the top of the slope the text "GO!!" will be displayed on the screen as he automatically starts his descent down the slope with four, or three in the case of a two-player game, other CPU-controlled skiers who started in four other separate partitions on either side of him, and you will have to push the inner edge up to make him continue, as you pass two billboards of BMG on the right side of the track (there was also a yellow airship promoting them on the Hi-Speed Course); once you have done so, you shall have to turn to the left, then turn to the right, turn to the left again, and turn to the right again as your chosen skier skis off a ramp and through the air. Once he has landed, you shall have to turn to the right as your chosen skier skis off another ramp and through the air again - and once he has landed for a second time, you will have to turn to the right, as you pass three more billboards with left-pointing chevrons on them on the right side of the track (if you pass through any of these billboards, it will activate the game's staff roll, which is displayed at the bottom of the page) and ski into a cavern. You must now turn to the right again as you pass under a rock (and a checkpoint); once you've done so, the text "TIME EXTENDED" will appear on the screen, as your time is extended by forty-three seconds, followed by the text "1ST CHECKPOINT: X'XX"XX" (X'XX"XX being your current time), and if your current time is lower than 1'00"765, "-X'XX"XX" (-X'XX"XXX being your time difference). You will then have to turn left as you pass three more billboards with straight left-pointing arrows upon them, a ninth one with a curved left-pointing arrow on it, a tenth one with a straight left-pointing arrow on it and four more for BMG on the right side of the track, and turn to the right as you pass a Jumbotron promoting the then-18-year-old Japanese actress Misato Tate, a fifteenth billboard with a curved right-pointing arrow on it, a sixteenth one promoting both Misato Tate and BMG, and a seventeenth one with left-pointing chevrons on it on the right side of the track - and once you have done this, your chosen skier shall pass under a DANGER sign, ski off the (broken) suspension bridge, and perform a full twisted backflip through the air as the text of "FULL TWISTED BACK FLIP!" appears on the screen. Once he's landed for a third time, you have to turn to the right, then turn to the left, turn to the right as you pass a rock in the centre of the track, turn to the left, turn to the right as you pass an eighteenth billboard with right-pointing chevrons on it on the left side of the track, and pass under another checkpoint in another rock (which has a tunnel going through it); once you do so the text of "TIME EXTENDED" will appear on the screen again as your time is extended by twenty seconds, followed by the text "2ND CHECKPOINT: X'XX"XX" (X'XX"XX again being your current time) and if your current time is lower than 1'52"765, "-X'XX"XX" (-X'XX"XXX again being your time difference). Once your chosen skier has come out the tunnel, you'll have to turn to the left as you pass three more billboards with left-pointing chevrons on them on the right side of the track, then turn to the right as you pass a twenty-second billboard for Tascam on the left side of the track and your chosen skier skis off four more ramps in succession - and once he's landed for a seventh time, you will have to turn to the right again as you pass a diamond-shaped sign with a curved right-pointing arrow on it on the left side of the track, then pass under a bridge. You'll then have to turn to the right again as you pass a gas tank and six dual lampposts in the centre of the track - and once you've done so, your chosen skier will pass under the finish line. The text "FINISH!!" will then appear on the screen, followed by the text "RESULT" with your rank and total time below it (and if your total time was less than 2'20"765, the text "NEW RECORD!" shall be displayed below your total time); in the case of your total time being less than 2'20"765, the game shall go into "best-time" mode, so you should enter initials with pride, by using the Selection Buttons (MAME:  Ctrl  and  Space ) to pick the letters, and that Decision Button (MAME:  Alt ) to confirm them. The text "GAME OVER. LOOK BEHIND YOU!! BEFORE STEPPING OFF THE STEPS" shall then appear on the screen and the game will go back into attract mode - however, if you finished first, you shall earn a free replay, which, in 1996, it was still illegal in some states of the US to award.

Time Trial Mode[edit | edit source]

Time: 97 seconds (1:37)
Record: 1'06"765 (1st checkpoint), 1'53"765 (2nd checkpoint), 2'23"765 (finish line)

Once your chosen skier has appeared at the top of the slope (and the numbers 3, 2 and 1 have appeared on the screen), the text "GO!!" will appear on the screen as the gate in front of him is opened, and you will have to push the inner edge up to make him start his descent down the slope; unlike in the original Alpine Racer, the checkpoints remain, but there are fifty-three pairs of gates to pass through (the odd-numbered ones are blue, while the even-numbered ones are red, and and each time your chosen skier passes between one, his time shall be extended by one second as the text " 1" appears to the right of it). Once you have passed under the finish line, the text "FINISH!!" will appear on the screen - and the text "RESULT" will then appear on the screen with your times for each of the three sections, the amount of gates you missed (each miss will get indicated by the text "MISS" appearing to the right of your remaining time) and your total time below it - and if your total time was less than 2'23"765 the text "NEW RECORD!" will appear below it. In the case of your total time being less than 2'23"765, the game shall go into "best-time" mode (providing you did not miss any of the gate pairs), so you should enter your initials with pride by using the Selection Buttons to select the letters and the Decision Button to choose them; the text of "GAME OVER. LOOK BEHIND YOU!! BEFORE STEPPING OFF THE STEPS" shall then appear on the screen, and the game will go back into attract mode. It's also worth noting that if you pass under any checkpoint when your current time is more than the record, a plus shall be displayed to the left of your time difference (instead of a minus) - and as mentioned in the section above, passing through any of the three billboards at the entrance to the cavern on this course will activate this game's staff roll at the bottom of the screen (it will also cause the "km/h" to disappear from your chosen skier's speed):




Shinya Yamada
Mitsugu Makino
Katsuya Tokuyama

Kazuhiro Nakamura

Yoshinobu Shimada
Mitsuhiro Isozaki
Akiko Arima
Satoshi Inoue
Norio Katumata
Yoko Taro
Jun Ohsone
Akira Saito

Shin'ichi Soeda



<ID & GD>

Naohito Hanai



However, if your time should run out, the staff roll will not make it to the end; Namco returns to the Alpine peaks five years later in Alpine Racer 3 (2001).