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(7 edits)

Hi there, I found that idle games suited my agenda 10 years ago with Orteil's Cookie shits and well, never stopped looking for this kind of drug. Playing Idlemancery for 3 4 days, I find your work very satisfying thanks to its enjoyable amount of depth without annoying complications.

Great work, StrangeMatterGaming \o/ yes. Crafting such a story (kudos!) in a foreign language must have been a deep adventure. GJ!

I understand that both you the dev and myself the player are sharing a gap: English language - there are still a few grammatical/orthographic errors both on a few parts of the interface and within the story, so if youthedev agrees, I'd be happy to help since it'd help me to sharpen my own English tools, too.

Very satisfying and intriguing game - a surprise is awaiting me at every corner without messing with the game's basics.

Impressed with the amount & depth of the features, eg. I didn't expect Battling here (which is working well, so far:map 4 6) but more some grinding/piling up resources kind of game. Thanks for this gift ^^

From a consumer perspective: even if the overall interface is well organized, my clumsy eyes wish that the black background could be tuned down to #222, #333 or, better, some warm dark grey like #282624. Similar issue: the font's white could be warmed up to something like ivory. "Easy on the eye". Maybe could terminal color schemes like Gruvbox > | inspire you?

I as a player (using mostly 1024 to 1280px wide screens) like to quickly get the info I need. 'Been told decades ago that groups of 4 are the average/limit an average/limited brain could grasp in a blink. Please consider the amount of data piling up within the left column: the icons are very tiny and it becomes arduous to sort. So, maybe chose a tint for each middle and further advanced skill (starting from Souls, Herbs & Flasks maybe?) both in the top bar and the left column. Or colored backgrounds maybe?

Wishing you the best o/

PS: Exporting a save works like a charm here (MX Linux, Debian based, no systemd - never tried importing one tho, I'll let you know the results as soon as I try the Importing system).

PPS: the Importing system is working well, on updated Firefox and Chromium variants (Chrome excluded) and Pale Moon. Gj!

Great game but i lost my save anybody has save with 3 prestiges?

It's a very interesting game. However, I am unable to export the game. I don't know the cause.

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the way for selecting heirlooms is really messy, I often switch heirlooms by mistake, and I just deleted a really good heirloom that was charged by mistake.

Would love an undo button or a trash can you can remove the last deleted item from. also a confirmation or a lock to prevent deletion would be great.

otherwise loving this game,

(1 edit)

Very interesting game. I've reached my first prestige, and it seems to become much more grindy from this point.

I have encountered one problem:

Prestige resets offline time.  I have played many games with offline time mechanisms, and none of them reset offline time on a prestige.

I think offline time is a savefile layer thing, so only hard reset should reset it.

file loading/saving hasn't been working for me. I lost my initial save when I accidentally exited the tab, but thought I was fine since I had exported the save earlier, however upon attempting to load a save the entire UI goes blank and time is set to 0. I tried testing this bug on the downloadable versions too, but I can't get a single one of them to run either, loading the html just shows a blank screen

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when game is working its quite nice but.... alot of the time i get issues where game just totally freaks out.

had issue with learning tab as had to click set all to 0 so i could actually start using it as had some sort of bug where it didn't want to use any of the energy i got.

then on summoning instantly had all summons die when went to start have a miner as instantly burned through all my energy.
when it killed my summons instantly game stopped all progress so had to refresh page to force it back to working

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ok..... again just instantly killed summons when had 10 energy restore rate

I came here to say the same thing, then figured it out. You need to click "turn on" next to time.

hmm, now it's started happening again even with time on :(

time on is time you were not playing an just speeds up your progress.
it works fine after you press the button to set everything in in learning tab to 0 as for what ever reason game coded to where it has false postive of you going over your limit.
so clicking set all to 0 fixes it

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Learning tab is not intuitive and is buggy. Setting energy spent does absolutely nothing except showing annoying warning (that cannot be turned off, because of course) and two buttons that do not work as expected. 0.5 and -0.5 buttons also do nothing. Zero stays zero.

Waste of time.

changed the amount per click and it started working. 

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What an amazing game!

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this game is great i just dont like how you dont round up the energy spent in the learning tab causing long numbers and the ui will go off the box thingy

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How do I unlock research? The game seems to imply that doing the first prestige unlocks it but I don't see it yet after getting a bit into this loop.

perhaps you should follow the story.

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You need one of each prestige banners.

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Hello everyone!
First of all - thanks you so much for playing the game and posting your feedbacks here. Sorry for lots of bugs, I trying to get some fixes/improvements ASAP.

I just released new version of game (v0.0.4) with new building mechanics added (not very much content there for now, but will continue working on it) and some important bugfixes.

Also I created discord channel to make discussions / bug reports more convenient and efficient.

I plan to have another update on Saturday or Sunday, so will be happy to see more feedbacks and try to address most urgent ones by the end of the week.

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This game seems really awesome so far. I’d definitely like to explore it more.

But there are two big things preventing me from wanting to progress much further:

  1. It definitely needs more automation slots. By the time you unlock researches, it actually seems tedious that I can’t automate all of my active actions, nevermind only two of them.

  2. Upgrading banners to a new tier resets the tier you’re upgrading to before doing the upgrade. So it doesn’t add to that tier, it just replaces it with the new number. This seems to seriously hamper progression in an unnecessary and artificial way.

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Hello and thanks for playing!

Regarding first item - I will try to think how to address lack of automation by the end of the week. I have one interesting idea, hope you will like it :)

Regarding upgrading banners - it was a huge bug, thanks for reporting it. This is fixed in today release.

"Each banner type have several tiers. Each tier after first multiplies effect of previous one. By converting to higher tier you will loose all previous tier banners. For example, converting 2-nd tier to 3-rd will remove 2-nd tier banners, add 5 times smaller amount to 3-rd tier. Other tiers will keep the same." Why it also removes all 3-rd tier before conversion?

Yeah, it was a bug. It was fixed in today release.
Thanks you so much for noticing this.

spend 2hrs, great game so far, will def come back for more :)

Speaking of automation, I cannot wait to get more slots.. 4 slots would be SO great but I would be happy with just a third, lol. Also maybe a neat research that makes Rest always be automated would be a cool thing to have.

Thanks for playing and providing feedback!

Well, actually there is no need in third slot of automation. As you progress in game and unlock new content, you get alternative ways of getting resources. Maybe will add a third automation slot in the future, when player unlocks new actions and resources. Regarding rest always automated - you will pretty soon unlock research (that persists through resets) that would make rest almost useless. As you prestige and invest in green banners, you will also get pretty high multiplier to physical training, that will dramatically increase energy income. Energy is a bottleneck only at very early stages of the game.

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I'm at the point where I wish tier3 of banners was already accessable and all of my researches cost at least 2k to upgrade and I still want more automation slots lol.

It's not about rest being actually useful or not, having rest be automated from the start would make the grinding after a prestige a lot easier. In the end it's your game and so the balance is up to you, I just think it would be extremely convenient.

I got it, I will think how to make this part of game less grindy without breaking balance. Anyway, thank you for your suggestions, they are very helpful!

Got to part in story where banners should unlock for first prestige. Went to banners tab. It is completely blank.

Could you please check if there are any errors in console, and if so - send it here?

Also, did page refresh helped?

No console errors.

Page refresh did not help. I am using Chrome if that helps.

Can you please make screenshot and send it here?

How many creatures do you have?

so was playing on the web browser version got to banner resets did the reset then i was curious about how much the returns diminished on each stage higher so i copied my save to clipboard then did that then when i try to load my save by putting into a txt my game freaks out and just starts loading endlessly so i just erased the cookies and tried to load my save again now nothing happens it just does not do anything so i was wondering if there was anyway to get my save back since i still have a txt with the data but the game wont load it

Have you tried running it in Incognito/Privacy mode? If it's a conflict with cookies or whatever that should bypass it..

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tired just in case im stupid but no it just wont load period in incognito and i deleted my cookies to fix the game with that bug not occuring a second time so thats not the problem also moved to the itch desktop app to try again with the save and it still acts as if i didnt load anything

Sorry to hear it.

 Can you please send me your save file to my mail [email protected]? 

I will check and try to fix it for you.

sent it

went ahead and just started fresh but would be nice if you could figure out why it wont accept save files that are copied to clipboard instead of directly download into a file

Also: A 'blanket input' option for Learning that sets each Learning to the amount entered

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Got it, will try to address in one of future releases. Thanks!

Very good game.

I have problem: for some reason I can set max only 26 energy in training.

Sounds strange. Could you please attach screenshot of the issue (so that it include resources panel as well)? It would help me to understand what is the problem.

Deleted 1 year ago

I noticed that now max set energy =  50% max energy. Is this a bug or a feature?

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Well, it's not a bug, but not a feature :)

Actually, this input is energy spent per second (I will add this description)
So, if you try to set 36 energy into it, that means that you would have to spend this amount each second. But, if you put way too large number into this input, you will spent all your energy during a second or so, and this can cause loosing your creatures.

So, this is kind of limitation added as very quick workaround to avoid loosing time by making some typos, but I will change how it's implemented (mb, will just add confirmation with warning that you are about to spend all your energy if you are going to have negative balance of it)

There is a lot of errors in the story.

If you would like to, you can send your textto me and I will correct it for you. I don't want payment I just like correcting typos and I like grammar and I also like your game :D

Just let me know if you are interested.

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Thanks, that would be very helpful cause I am not native speaker :)

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Yea, if you make a discord, I'm also willing to help with the English lines. A discord just makes it easier to keep everything organized.

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100% agree.
I will create discord tomorrow, add link in game and post it here as well.

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I can also help with story grammar and the sorts if you want? If so my discord is WubbaHubba#3467

took me around 20 minutes to do exercise like 150 times :> great game btw

Nice to hear you liked game, thanks!

Regarding exercise - yeah, that's kind of dilemma I have. On one hand - the part of game when you should click the same button numerous times can be too long and boring, but on other - It's hard to make it going faster while keep player motivated to do prestiges and  purchase corresponding upgrades/do researches. For now clicking automation checkbox and taking some tea or coffee while its done is the only workaround for it, but I keep thinking how I could make this training a little more interesting.

A possible bug: You cannot add an additional creature unless your Current Energy is also equal to the required amount.

Yes, that's a bug that also will be fixed in upcoming week. Thanks for your findings, thats really very helpful.

Oh also the ability to assign hotkeys to actions.

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I really like the game so far. I am on my 4th prestige, still working on the story progression for one of each banner because I messed up and converted on my first prestige. A few things I would suggest:

Make a confirmation for converting to a higher tier on the banners, warning you that having none of the lower tier will not give you a benefit from converting. Also just to confirm you want to do it, to prevent accidents.

Make a tab/display for upgrades you have already purchased from the shop.

Get a native English proofreader for the text. It's still understandable but there are many errors and could use a lot of polish.

Maybe make a Discord too if you want.

Edit: Thought of more. Bonus time. You accrue bonus time while offline which can be toggled on and makes the game run at extra speed. I feel like this is a easy way to give fake 'offline progress'.

The game is good though. Definitely unique and not just a silly carbon copy of other idle/incremental games. Keep up the good work!

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Thanks for your feedback!
Happy to hear that you liked it!

Game is still in very early stage of development, so it have a lot of typos and missing hints/confirmations.

I am currently working on some new content I plan to release somewhere in the middle of next week, and after it I plan to work on offline progressing and improving UI, tooltips and confirmations. 

I going to push updates at least weekly during next month or so. All points you mentioned make sense to me, so will to address them as quickly as possible.