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Scary Scuffed Games #285

Vorgeschlagen von: Maskedflow

Sehr viele Baustellen. Es ist zwar irgendwo sehr von Humor geprägt und insgesamt hatten wir auch spaß, besonders im Bikini Geister zu exozieren, allerdings waren viele Fetchquest echt müsehlig und fummelig. Es war tatsächlich für mich einfacher out of Bounds zu gehen als im Spiel weiter zu kommen, was für mich eher für ausbaufähiges Gamedesign spricht. Durch das VOICEROID und die automatisch übersetzten Texte hatte das Spiel sogar noch etwas mehr funfactor. Musik hätte dem ganzen wirklich noch gut getan, ansonsten kann man für ein gratis spiel nicht wirklich drüber meckern. Aber Horror ist es nicht wirklich.


Dito: 3.1/5

Chat: 3.33/5

Gesamt: 3.22/5

Had so much fun playing this so gonna have to rate it a comedy horror game rather than the other way around. Great job 👍

1 словом, Хотите войди В? ключ.... Теперь иди домой....

Beautiful game and I would like to thank you on behalf of Brazilians for making it available in Portuguese. Thanks!

eu ache os codigo aqui cadrastra teu email 

la na aba costume no jogo leva para mesma pagina

Hello, developers! Do you need some help translating this game correctly into Russian? I noticed that the translation into Russian is pretty bad. I offer my help as a native speaker.

Is this game also in English ???

It is ok I got it but when I enter cheerleader code it couldnt unlock could someone please answer me

How do I get the bikini custome ?

I really enjoyed this game, my only complaint is that the translations could use some work. Aside from that I was still able to enjoy the game. I will link my gameplay below if you are interested.

Don´t get me wrong the game ais very very good. However, there is one big issue with it and that is the translations. I am native german therefor I did use the german language option.

Yet I did notice that fist of all the menus stay in english ore and some buttons of the UI even stay in Japanese ore what ever your native language is.

Next thing on my list is the grammar it is bad and I mean really bad on some parts. I don´t know who translated this but that person did not the best job o it. In fact I rather would believe that this person did use google translate instead of actual knowledge.

Speaking of knowledge though, it might have tin better to let some one proofread the translations at all before bringing them in to the game in the first place.

I also noticed that some words in the german version are not german at all bot taken out of the english even though the correct german words have been used later on in the very same text.

Another point I´d like to address is the translation form of the Keyboard controls over to game-pad. It took me almost to play troughs in order to figure out how the controls of the Game-pad are respond in relation to there Keyboard counterpart.

If the potability to use a Controller/Game pad exists it would be nice if those are explained in the tutorial as well. Not every one that play PC games with a Game-Pad has also an controller map right next to them or knows how what number and axis is corresponds to what button on the pad thy are using.

Pleas  take what I did write here as an Word of advise and suggestion for improvement on your game.

Apart from that how ever I really liked and even enjoyed this game and would like to see more of it in future.

I have problem with ghost child all the time I go to the bear it doesn't work. Like nothing happens

I peed my pants with laughter at the translation, it makes this game. It is otherwise a very competent game lul

Finally got around to play it, the translation is so broken but the game itself is hilarious! I'd like to see more of this project.

( 1)

I played through this to completion (anyone who needs assistance, this video should be a good resource). Fair warning, I do get more negative than I would like out frustration but looking back (and even in video) I reflect that I do like a lot about it, but the translation makes some puzzles really hard to solve. I would highly recommend (at least on the English side) going in and maybe rewriting them. Very, very broken English (as someone who loves broken English, it generally can come off as "cute").

With all that being said, the further I have distanced myself from the game, the happier I am about completing it. I really did love the characters and the humor was impactful at spots (especially the ending).

I'll keep an eye on future games, but thank you for making this.

this game is great.srry i got some sync issues so this is all i got :c

The game was good. There were some issues with translation, and other things. But the characters were adorable and atmosphere was good!

Keep it up, I would love to play it.

psychic master?

so the creator is insane? cool.

Awesome game, I loved it! Made me laugh and I'm genuinly pleased. Thank you to the developer!

Thank you for playing!

Really well done, funny and cute with some decent scares throughout, with some interesting character. The translations do need some work though, as most of them are undecipherable gibberish.

Thank you for playing!

The accuracy of machine translation is my problem.
However, I don't want to spend as much time as possible, so I'm thinking of developing a game that doesn't depend much on language.

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Thank you for playing!