E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy

E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy

117 ratings
Hacking Tips
By Tassy
A complete guide to E.Y.E's hacking system
Finding the hack menu.
Bring up the actions wheel. (Default key: C)
Select the gear at the bottom.
Select the icon in the middle of the leftmost selection titled "My Actions"
Hacking can be bound to the actions wheel with a right click over the icon.
Selecting your target

Select which target you want to hack from the Target List menu.
Information on targets
List of enemies and objects that can be hacked.
- Looters
- Federal Police, Soldiers and Special Forces
- Jian and Culter soldiers
- Interceptors
- Bank Dispensers(Usually only contain 200-1,000 Brouzouf each, not really worth it)
- Standing turrets
- Ceiling turrets
- Scrabouillors
- Other players

Metastreumonic Force creatures can not be hacked.
Types of hacking

What each action will do if successful

Allows you to directly control a target, this will be covered in depth later in the guide. Don't even think about using it on doors or computers, you will be very disappointed. This type also increases the speed of your attacks.
Incredibly useful at all times; turns enemies into allies that can be issued commands, opens doors, hacks transcoms and computers.
Directly attacks the target, damaging it heavily and in some cases killing it. Doors and computers will just be hacked as they regularly would.
Steals energy/stamina from the target, not very useful unless your Endurance is under 20 for some reason. This does not steal Brouzouf from bank dispensers, but Hack does.
Hacking actions

Quick summary of each action

Attacks the enemy targets Cyber HP directly, the enemy's shielding will lower the effect of this.
A useful action that lowers enemy attack points and can trick them into performing excessive overflows.
Lowers enemy shielding
Increases your shielding.
Exchanges your shielding for attack points; it will still work with 0 shield points and is very useful.

Wait until you hear the beep and see the action bar fill up to perform another hacking action, you can only perform one at a time.
Why Overflow is useful
Overflow is most useful around enemies with low Cyber HP and defense/attack, 2-3 Overflows with 2-3 attacks will overwhelm most enemies with ~170 or lower Cyber HP. Overflow can also be timed with enemy passive actions to steamroll their Cyber HP in a few attacks.
Why you should Mask instead of Scan

Masking will, 9 times out of 10, force the enemy to perform a series of overflows that will lower its shielding and can help you overcome an HP gap by making the enemy take a large amount of time performing passive actions(Shield/Overflow).
Removing the hacked status

Select yourself from the hack targets list after removing bleeding/hallucinations with maintenance and hack yourself as you would a normal target. Your stats will be lower than they usually are on the enemy side, so it will go by quickly.
Possession tips

Once an enemy is possessed you can control them by moving them forward by clicking the top arrow, rotating them with the side arrows, getting them to aim at a nearby target with the crosshair and attack that target by clicking the skull in the middle. You can exit the possession screen at any time with the X in the corner, but enemies will return to being hostile after being freed from possession if they aren't occupied with a target.
Commanding hacked enemies

Select the bottom icon from the drone section of the actions menu and use it with your crosshairs over a hacked NPC.

Hacked NPCs have two modes; one lets them patrol on their own, the other allows them to travel with the player.
Killer Bnuuy 15 Mar, 2022 @ 2:43am 
Random tidbit to necro this guide:
A possessed enemy still retains some level of control, and you need to force him around. If they see you while they are hacked, they will try to forcibly move to you and target you, to the point it's next to impossible to actually make them do anything other than stare at you. So, just don't let them see you.
Scary Monsters 10 Jan, 2022 @ 1:15pm 
It's a shame that you can't kill yourself by choosing destroy on yourself.
Country Square 5 Feb, 2021 @ 7:58pm 
it's generally better to scan rather than overflow against stronger targets, if you just overflow for 3 turns straight they'll just attack as your defence falls and you'll be at 13 hp by the time you fire off your first attack, scan gets you the same amount of extra damage provided their shields aren't too low without the risk of lowering your defence
B. Mori 12 Feb, 2018 @ 8:36pm 
spam overflow and then attack.
If it doesn't work git gud
Nyet Diem 16 Aug, 2017 @ 10:07am 
This helps quite a bit. Thanks.
ChristosK 5 Jul, 2017 @ 1:24pm 
Thanks for the guide!
Punished Vorst 24 May, 2017 @ 6:00pm 
Very helpful guide that you've got here, much appreciated.