E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy

E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy

299 ratings
So, you want to acquire a large quantity of Brozouf.
By Marshall Solrac [ESP]
Do you like Brozouf? Me too.
Do you want to aqquire a large quantity of them? Me too, but I already have them.
Here is how to get some brozouf while risking your life!
Hello y'all!
We like this game and we like having brozouf, so here is how to get lots of 'em.
You will get from a minimum of 80K (80 000) to about 120K (120 000) in more or less 30 mins.
To do this we will do a secondary mision called cm_cu_minos, which is a secondary mission given to you by a dude in the Temple HQ.
How to get to the mission.
If you are reading this, you are smart enough (barely) to do this.
So, you appear more or less here.

You go down the hallway and get to this dude here.

And then you ask him to do the mission cm_cu_minos. Like this.

There you go, well done!
What you should expect.
The mission "Minos" is quite infuriating.
Let's start with the enemies.
The most common are the Perigrium Forma:
The Carnophage:
The Manduco:

This annoying Metastreumonic underwear stains will swarm you every time that you:

  • Cross a doorway
  • Turn a corner
  • Stand still
  • Are getting shot
  • Are getting swarmed by them, more will come
  • doesn't matter, they appear constantly

And I'm talking in the default level of difficulty and spawning.

From time to time, with the swarm of Meta-Forces, a pair of Synicles or E.Y.E soldiers will appear, and they don't want to be your friend.
The weapons they may have range from simple submachineguns, to a Depezador or a Bosco. They are the 4rd most dangerous threat in this level. Their bullets will hurt more than the Meta-Forces' claws.

The next is the Kraak, or KraakNagull.
This BFG (The F does NOT stand for friendly) will run around with a hammer in each hand, and will try to hit you. His attacks are quite powerful, but the worst part is that they can push you around and make you fly across the map. We'll get to why that is bad later. There are about half a dozen Kraaks in Minos, and they are the 3rd most dangerous thing in the mission.

Next up, a Master Deus Ex.
Because simply a Deus Ex, wasn't enough, he had to be a master.

You should know this Motherbleeper. Super tall, tons of health, hits like a truck with missiles and whatnot. I have a whole separate section on how to kill him. He is the 2nd most dangerous thing on this mission.

Now, you may whine ask, "but Solrac, he is a bloody Deus Ex, he is very stronk, and never forgets leg day, why is he just 2nd, weh?"

Well, let me show you.

This, is what you are going to die the most in this bloody map




Each time you fall, you will die, and you will suffer a lethal wound. Do you know those that reduce your stats? Yeah, those. Every f*cking time. And remember the Kraaks? Well, they push you into those. And when you are running away from something? You fall into those. The Most deadly thing in the map. A bloody hole.

There are usually 5 objectives to accomplish in this mission.
Two of them will always appear, the other 3 may vary.

-Kill the Master Deus Ex
-Kill all the KraakNagulls

Doen't matter what you do, the Deus Ex and the Kraaks have to come down.

The optional objectives can be:

-Destroy sentries
-Dissable jammers
-Kill a squadron to regain honor or whatnot.
-Kill Synicles

Pretty straight forward. The only things worth mentioning is that the sentries will always be on the map, on the same spots, but the weapons that each has can vary, from rockets, to bullets, to a laser.
Also, if you have to kill the squadron, they will always have a dude with a Sulfatum. Funny they don't mention that in the briefing.
What you should bring to the mission.
First of all, Heavy Armor.
No, I don't care what you say, you want to have heavy armor if you want to survive just 10 minutes of onslaught

Next up, a heavy sniper rifle with at leat 5 mags. I recommend the TRK AD, because you don't need to unlock it. You will use it to kill sentries by peeking from the corner and shooting them, they should go down in 1 bullet. Also, this will be the weapon you will use to kill the Deus Ex. My accuracy is garbage, a bare 32, so you will do fine.

The Damocles. I recommend carrying a melee, either the Damocles, or the Arrancadora, but as the Arrancadora is very expensive, both brozouf and research wise, the damocles will be fine.

Keep in mind that my character was a STR, END, AGY based, so my melee attacks may be a bit stronger than yours.

Do not bring weapons to this, the swarm of Meta-Forces will eat up your ammo.

The only bullet weapon I like to carry is a HS 010 sub-machine gun to pick off enemies while I'm sitting on a corner, waiting for my energy to charge up or my medkit to do the same. Only 2 or 3 mags for the HS will do.

Of course, bring a Medkit, this goes without saying.
Where to go, how to kill.
Alright, you appear here in Minos.

In front of you there is a bridge, and behind you an armory. The door at your left will stay closed until you get to halfway to the bridge. They will transfer you the objectives, and then you have to turn back, and go through the door that has just opened.

At your left there will be a sentry, which you should kill with a bullet of the TRK AD. The first swarm of Mera-Forces will apperar at your right through the door. After this door at least 1 Kraak will be there, maybe two or even three. You should Damocles them.
They are like this.

They should end like this.

Follow the corridor, disable coms if you have to, or kill sentries, then at your right, there should be the Doorway to the Deus Ex.

There is some kind of weird arena inside, but we don't need to enter much.
Note: When you step into the doorway, a wave of Meta-Forces will appear. This is bad.
What you want to do, is to bait the Deus Ex to the doorway. He will never cross it, don't worry.
What you should do is appear quickly, shoot him once in the face and the run out. The bad part is that the wave of meta forces will be there, blocking your way. So you may end up killed by the Deus Ex, or gangbanged by the Meta-Forces. It happens.

What we want is to have the deus ex like this

Look at him. He doesn't attack.

The silly thing. You can shoot him and he will just take it.

You silly boy.

He should go down in more or less 2 or 3 full mags of the TRK AD. Free money and EXP.

After this, just run around killing whatever thing is moving and accomplishing your objectives.

Note: The Squad that you may have to kill could be inside the arena where the Deus Ex is, so check it, just in case.
Miscellaneous Tips and Tricks
Try to have your Medkit full at all times, never now when you may need it.

Just go Damocling everything, the Sniper is just for the sentries.

Be careful with the holes in the floor.

Having the Dermal Seath implant is alright, but you don't need it.

For the Kraaks, charge the Damocles, hit them, fall back a bit while you charge again, and repeat.

Do not get trapped between a swarm and a sentry.

Make sure your legs are ok.

Make sure you have acquired Brozouf.
Delicious Booty
So, what do you get from this gauntlet?

80K Brozouf, minimum.

I know that the pic says about 50K, but I was at 20K and at the end I had 100K.

Apart from that, unless you are over level 40, you will get a level each time you do the mission. The Deus Ex alone gives you 1/4 or 1/3 of the experience you need to level up.

Delicious Brozouf in just about 30 mins.
Finishing Notes.
Disregard the quality of my screenshots, my toaster barely runs the game.

If you are curious, here is my character:

Triple Metastraum Master Race.

As I am Spanish, if enough people request it, I will translate it to spanish.

Btw, this is how you will end up most of the time

Dead at the bottom of a Chasm. How nice.
AndyBlizzard 26 Oct, 2023 @ 9:47pm 
Dunno, I just rush to unlock and buy .44 and then farm on Mars - there is the place where two Deus Ex and two Interceptors spawn, both die from couple of shots and give lots of EXP and BR.
Place is down from bandits base, right around a teleport in the ruins.
M0butu 5 Aug, 2023 @ 2:36am 
You absolutely CAN DO this right after tutorial. Difficulty to Chicken, Medkit, Sulfurum and 6-7 clips and you are good to go. You can finish your first run without medkit since you level up so much and that heals you every time.
After each successful completion ramp up the difficulty to get more exp and brouzuf. And use clone a lot...
Argonisgema 18 Feb, 2023 @ 11:10pm 
I just started the game and yeah i don't think i can do this right after the tutorial mission.
ikSN4K3 20 Jul, 2022 @ 11:48pm 
Thank you for the effort
Deku 5 Jan, 2022 @ 8:52pm 
seems like a good guide
I can afford cyber legs with this brozuf
Demonic Pizza-lord 7 Oct, 2021 @ 12:26pm 
"If you are reading this, you are smart enough (barely) to do this."
"They are the 4rd most dangerous threat in this level."
My fucking sides :mhfury:
Something Familiar 22 May, 2021 @ 6:06pm 
This looks like far more fun than the meta-church wave survival, and Mars is too damn big for me to enjoy outside of playing in character, for story and such.

I knew this, but I enjoyed this. I didn't think to build STR, END, AGI though.
Major Mayhem 31 Jan, 2021 @ 10:35am 
Really? Why anyone will bother with this for measely 150000b when you can literally grind MILLIONS on Monolith by doing NOTHING?
Nogardtist 26 Jan, 2021 @ 1:54am 
i found other way
portal room with armory eliminate the secreta and the drone that will spawn a gunship every time you eliminate a gunship another one respawns instantly
if you time it you can avoid game crashing
also you can get perma debuff cause the gunship can be hard unless you found research to eliminate debuffs
Checkers 12 Dec, 2020 @ 12:36pm 
Also, without the risk of getting perma debuffs