Pharaoh Cleopatra

Pharaoh Cleopatra

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How to beat mission 3 Perwadjyt on hard or very hard difficulty
By Blanchflower
There is a way to beat this mission on very hard or hard difficulty by using the editor. This is not cheating per say because the fault lies with the developer of this game. Here is how to do it:

Change Entertainment value on hard and very hard
First go to Steam>Steamapps>Common>Pharaoh Cleopatra>Pharaoh Model Impossible (or Hard).

Click on it and you will see all the data of the game. What needs to be changed is the Entertainment value. Notice that on impossible (or very hard) the entertainment value is 20 for small homestead and 25 for large homestead. Change it to a value of 10 (or below). But before doing this, make a back up of this model data in case you forgot the initial value of 20 for small homestead and 25 for large homestead.

Once done, start the mission again. This time, you will notice that the houses evolve needing only a juggler's stand. Then you would win this mission on very hard and your score will be on the Hall of Fame for posterity.

However, once you have played this mission on very hard, it is recommended (unless you want to to cheat blatantly) that you restore the original values to 20 and 25 respectively..

So there you go! I have been playing this game since 1999 and only thought of this recently while going through the Pharaoh files. You can even change the number of occupants in each house too! But I would rather stick to the original values to see whether I can beat the game on very hard (impossible) difficulty. The only exception to this rule is for the mission Perwadjyt, where the fault lies with the developer.

Hope this helps if you guys want to have a Hall of Fame where all the missions are beaten on very hard difficulty.
Lucas 25 Jul, 2022 @ 2:36am 