If your attack is going too well, you're walking into an ambush.:MCCSWORD::MCCHELMET:

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Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon® Wildlands
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88 hrs on record
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406 hrs on record
last played on 27 Dec
254 hrs on record
last played on 26 Dec
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s0levoe_4udishe暾 31 Dec, 2023 @ 8:18am 
Hahah. Oh, is it really the end of the year? Funny, isn't it? It seems that recently you were thinking about how to celebrate this year at your doorstep and were waiting for its new predecessor after some time, but after a few hours the old year will leave us forever and all that remains of it are just memories. Some are pleasant, some are desperate, and some are the end of something unfathomable that should be postponed until better times.
s0levoe_4udishe暾 31 Dec, 2023 @ 8:18am 
And all these memories form a community of people who keep memories of every particular moment. It's hard to explain, but we're all connected and it's very important to us. Everything in this world is quite cyclical, don't you think? The main thing is to enter this New Year without debts and with your head held high, no matter how much it would hurt you and how deeply you would not plunge into darkness now. Happy New Year 2024! May this year be the beginning of something new and unexpected for you. What you dreamed of:zgsanta::fox_mask::water:
結城さくな 20 Jun, 2023 @ 1:23pm 
朝霧月ww 15 Apr, 2023 @ 11:30pm 
差不多得了屁大点事都要拐上原神,原神一没招你惹你,二没干伤天害理的事情,到底怎么你了让你一直无脑抹黑,米哈游每天费尽心思的文化输出弘扬中国文化,你这种喷子只会在网上敲键盘诋毁良心公司,中国游戏的未来就是被你这种人毁掉的變叫我们原批的小心点老子在大街上亲手给打过两个我在公共座椅上无聊玩原神,有两个B就从我旁边过,看见我玩原神就悄悄说了一一句:又是一个原批, 我就直接上去一拳呼脸 上,我根本不给他解释的机会,我也不问他为什么说我是原批,我就打,我就看他不爽,他惹我了,我就不给他解释的机会,直接照着脸和脑门就打直接给那B呼出鼻血,脸上青块,紫一块的我没撕她嘴巴都算好了
C罗 11 Feb, 2023 @ 8:36pm 
s0levoe_4udishe暾 1 Jan, 2023 @ 6:39am 
"In the lamp atmosphere we're sitting👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 This is a bumpboy is also sitting☃️ And the Christmas tree in full size is burning very suddenly today🎄 Happy New Year greetings creates a mood for us, because as you know today is January 1🎁 Traditional congratulations🎇 It's a Christmas tree🎄 This is a hat🎅And of course it's me✌️ Everyone has a good and optimistic mood, because it's winter outside❄️ In the Happy New 2023 Year, I congratulate everyone🎊 So, the champagne has settled, and now I open and fill the glasses with it🍾 Happy New Year, my dear. That's it, come on🥂🎆" - @Kuplinov ► Play.

I wish, that you to enter the New Year without all the problems and worries, because it would be better to leave them last year, having previously beaten them🌟