Ed   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Thank you Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, LeafyisHere ,eedddoobz, Ricegum, fooseytube, Jake Paul and Logan Paul for uploading your vids onto youtube to prevent me jump out of my one story window. You save my life. You are my real friends....
Currently Offline
SwiftSabre's Custom Info Box
Now you listen here and you listen good.
I just spent a whole 20 minutes buying and trading Steam cards to make some bloody badges for XP. Why you ask? To reach level 10 of course, because a man can not be his true self until he can express his thoughts in his custom info box.

About Me

I offer sincere friendship, also my uncle works for Microsoft so can ban your Uplay account if you talk ♥♥♥♥ to me.

My Advice To You
Stay golden and don't be a loser.

Some Of My Favourites

-Fallout New Vegas
-Kingdom Come: Deliverance
-Crysis 2
-War of Rights
-Elite Dangerous
-Dead Space 2
-Metro 2033
-Mad Max
-BioShock: Infinoot (see profile picture for proof)
-Red Dead 2
-Rising Storm 2: Vietnam
-Warzone (send help)


Processor : Intel i7 8700
Graphics Card: EVGA NVIDIA Gerforce RTX 3070 (8GB V-ram)
ASUS Prime motherboard.
32GB Corsair Vengance DDR4 RAM

My Convergent links

Origin: SwiftSabre1
Rockstar: Swift_Sabre
Uplay: I don't remember because I don't care.
Email: [email protected]