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UberEpicLol 18 Jun, 2014 @ 11:03pm 
Fucking add me ;w; 16 Jun, 2014 @ 9:21pm 
Why you not on when I"m on? Im alone and need someone to spoon I mean hug I mean make sweet nasty love with... What was I talking about?
UberEpicLol 6 Jun, 2014 @ 2:07am 
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UberEpicLol 3 Jun, 2014 @ 12:54am 
..._.....____________________, ,
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UberEpicLol 1 Jun, 2014 @ 12:33am 
UberEpicLol 9 May, 2014 @ 2:54am 
Same As Yours G00DL00k1ngGam3r