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Dog Petter 3 Sep, 2018 @ 7:46pm 
I’ve masturbated with/on some my houseplants and I’ve found it very satisfying. There’s something about sharing yourself with something that’s alive that is more rewarding that jacking off into a tissue. I talk to them while I do it. It isn’t something I do frequently, but it’s a nice changeup for when I want something different.

Of course, this raises issues of wether or not a houseplant can consent. I suppose that depends on wether or not you consider plants to be sentient. I don’t think they are sentient in the same way animals are, so I don’t think I’m doing anything unethical.
Dog Petter 22 Aug, 2018 @ 6:58pm 
I am 13. Just my grandpa and I are staying down at his shack at the moment. I've been sleeping with no clothes on for the passed few nights because it feels better and my grandpa doesn't come into my room much, so he wouldn't know. But this morning I accidentally slept in so grandpa came in to wake me up. I had morning wood (an erection in the morning that is caused in your sleep) and I had kicked the covers off during the night so I was laying there naked, with a hard-on (how embaressing!!). Grandpa quickly went out of the room and we weren't talking because it was awkward. Then later on today I was wanking off in the bathroom (which doesn't have a lock) when I thought my grandpa was outside. He walked in just as I was ejaculating and groaning with orgasm. One day doesn't get much more embaressing than that!! How unlucky. My grandpa and I haven't talked for seven hours now. What should I say to him?
Dog Petter 13 Aug, 2018 @ 9:11pm 
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Tyranus Maximus 12 Aug, 2018 @ 1:16pm 
Gtta love all these comments on how you're a ♥♥♥♥♥♥ troll who likes to hack. Guess you just don't know how to play games correctly huh kid? -Rep team flashing troll
☺☻ 8 Nov, 2017 @ 7:54pm 
Put this on the profile of people who are known/wanted terrorists
that were involved in the September 11th attacks in 2001