¤ Celty Sturluson ¤ {Depressed}
leav me right now i bring you just pain go away
in love whit Shinra Kishitani
-セルティ·ストゥルルソン = Celty Sturluson
-age (in Durarara !!) = 100 Years
-objective= trying to find my head
-Relationship= seduceing shinra kishitani
(liaison whit shinra kishitani)

Give This Rose இڿڰۣ---To Everypony You Care About.

- Yu Narukami
- VaderMadness™
- Bleeding Mirror™
- Ultimate-Pekos™
- A ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ pony [ßЯς]

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    r…zー‐ト 、 ヽ: : : : : :.ヽ\
   Vハ \|!:;;、  ヽ: : : : : :\\
    Vハ.  」i::;;;:、  ヽ: : : : : . └へ
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   ,′ _,....:::::::::::::::::::::: ヘ. V / 〃  L: : : :|
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     `<_゚,厂 __,,.::≦:::::::::::::::::::::::!
        `''ー=''"´ }::::::::::::::::::::::::::.`ヽ、
        _.. -‐:::'´.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::`丶、
         | .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::`丶、__
         | .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. |
Put this in to your profile if you Like DURARARA !! (DRRR !!)

My Favorite Pony = Vinyl Scratch

╔═══╗♫ ♪ Put This On Your Profile
║███║ If You Love
║ ( o )║ Listening To Music

░░ S░░ P░░ A░░ R░░ T ░░ A░░ R░░ E░░ M░░ I ░░ X ░░ Put This On Your Profile If You Listen Sparta Remix

...........__________ __________,
....../ `---___________---- _____|]
...../_==o;;;;;;;;__ _____.:/
.....), ---.(_(__) /
....// (..) ), ----"
..//___// Put this gun on your profile if you would jump in front of a bullet for the one you love.
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InVioVaid 5 Jul, 2013 @ 7:54am 
Give This Rose இڿڰۣ---To Everypony You Care About.
aimb0t.exe™ hax0r ©® 4 Jul, 2013 @ 2:18am 
:medicon: rep, fast and fair trader
αѕ∙ DR. EV4L 30 Jun, 2013 @ 6:32am 
இڿڰۣ--- rep
Sæl<3 26 Jun, 2013 @ 9:12am 
Give This Rose இڿڰۣ---To bs Rarity You Care About.
Markus 25 Jun, 2013 @ 4:41am 
Give This Rose இڿڰۣ---To Everypony You Care About.
Lapi 24 Jun, 2013 @ 11:59pm 
Give This Rose இڿڰۣ---To Everypony You Care About.