rank up ok?
Ile-de-France, France
Currently Offline
Informations about myself

I'm a 22 yo girl i play on cs:go (like most of my time).
I started playing to cs:go since 7 years but i took a long break (~1 year).
That's why i don't got back my eagle rank. But i still have a good aim (sometimes it sucks but most of the time it stills good). :steamhappy:
I can talk in french, russian and english. I'm friendly so feel free to add me.

➜ Silver 1 : ✔
➜ Silver 2 : ✔
➜ Silver 3 : ✔
➜ Silver 4 : ✔
➜ Silver Elite : ✔
➜ Silver Elite Master : ✔
➜ Gold Nova 1 : ✔
➜ Gold Nova 2 : ✔
➜ Gold Nova 3 : ✔ (current rank)
➜ Gold Nova Master : ✔
➜ Master Guardian 1 : ✔
➜ Master Guardian 2 : ✔
➜ Guardian Elite : ✔
➜ Distinguished Master Guardian : ✔
➜ Legendary Eagle : ✔
➜ Legendary Eagle Master : ✘
➜ Supreme Master First Class : ✘
➜ The Global Elite : ✘


Trade Offer ! :p
Faceit [www.faceit.com]
My twitch [www.twitch.tv]


cl_crosshairalpha "200"
cl_crosshaircolor "2"
cl_crosshaircolor_b "50"
cl_crosshaircolor_r "50"
cl_crosshaircolor_g "250"
cl_crosshairsize "2"
cl_crosshairstyle "4"
cl_crosshairusealpha "1"
cl_crosshairthickness "0.5"
cl_fixedcrosshairgap "-1"
cl_crosshair_outline "0"
cl_crosshair_drawoutline "1"

Mouse settings

Dpi : 500
Mouse sensivity : ~1
Recent Activity
1,916 hrs on record
last played on 15 Oct, 2023
1.1 hrs on record
last played on 19 Jun, 2022
14.7 hrs on record
last played on 12 Sep, 2021
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Asuyiki [PL] 28 Jun, 2023 @ 9:26am 
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