Bogdan de la Ploiesti
Manigu   United States
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last played on 25 Jan
kataif 4 Nov, 2023 @ 6:21pm 
yes, you can run away by ignoring my friend request OR, better yet, you can accept it, take 5 minutes to play an aim map against me (whenever you aren't busy, not necessarily right now), and prove how much of a pathetic and scrub player am I. More than worth it, don't you think? Consider it an early Christmas present.

I can't see a reasonable reason why wouldn't go with the latter, do you?

I'm not a kid who challenges players to a 1V1 match, but then again, up until this match with you, I haven't been told I have such terrible aim (on the contrary, I've been told the opposite, but who am I to speak? I'm just a blubbering monkey you are about to discipline. Hopefully).

I will not bother you with further friend requests, if you decline it again, I'll just assume you're a pathetic coward who cannot stand behind his words (in all honesty - no offense, but again - I can't see any other reason you'd decline), and leave you be.
nero. 28 Sep, 2023 @ 1:21pm 
babi 6 Sep, 2023 @ 2:09pm 
bravo putini stiu cit e de munca an spatele sucesului cind esti an virf toti te ancurajeaza dar nu stiu cit e de greu cind esti nimeni nu te ajuta toti arunca cu pamint apoi bv ai reusit da ei cu ce au ajutat antreb aproape era sami dea lacrimile dar mam gandit ca nu se merita si nu mai mia dat. Ma bucur enorm demult ca cand vad ce multi amiratori ai ami creste imina de bichirie. Miai facut ziua si viata mai frumoasa daca nu iereai tu nujtu cema faceam si ma bucur ca ezisti ami dai speranta la veata si la copi mei. Faci ezact ca enfractori din pijcarie care scrie carti ca sa iasa mai repide din anchisoare. Creca asta urmiresti si tu. Nui nimic dunezeu e sus si vede. Te rog sa ai grije de tn ca de oci din cap si sa nu te uiti anPoi la ce sice lumea decit anainte felicitari anca o data sa te ajuta dunezeu sa te tina an putere anca multi de aici an ancolo sa ne ancanti cu cintecele tale bv te iubesc pina la cer si anapoi
FZDLiKES 13 Feb, 2019 @ 12:34pm 
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nero. 27 Jan, 2019 @ 1:36pm 
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Adrian. 2 Oct, 2017 @ 7:40am 