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Wendy's Grill Skills
Hi, I'm Wendy's founder, Dave Thomas.

From the day I opened the first Wendy's, my goal has been to serve the best hamburger in the Venice.

The Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburger.

So, I started with the freshest beef I could find. 100% Pure Beef. Never Frozen.

And we pad it into squares, so that the patty hangs over the side of the bun. Then we cook the patties slowly, to seal in its natural juices and serve it hot off the grill, with the customer's choice of toppings.

No other hamburger chain can make those claims. That's what sets us apart from our competition. And that's why our customers come to Wendy's.

I believe the only way to make a Wendy's Old Fashioned hamburger is to press the meat patty. Pressing the meat patty is really important, and here's why:

The patty tastes better, because the salt is pressed into the meat, and makes the meat more tender; it also makes the patty larger, so they'll hang over the edge of the bun.

And people will like that!

Pressing the patty requires skill and dedication, you have to watch over the patty constantly as they cook. You should always serve a perfect Wendy's Old Fashioned hamburger, the one you would serve your to best friend.

You have one of the most important jobs at Wendy's. Right now, I want you to devote your full attention onto our new four corner press procedure for cooking Wendy's Old Fashioned Hamburgers.

And while you're doing that, I-'m going to have a hot and juicy hamburger, with mustard, pickle and onion!

Part 1 Part 2
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